But mostly she doesn't want Daniel to suffer from this. It's his reputation that's at stake. He's one of the most loved drivers on the grid, but if people think he's a cheater they might think differently about him. He doesn't deserve that.

"Baby don't worry about me. I'll call my parents when we are done here, but they know me and they know how this works so I'm not concerned about their reaction. I'm more upset about them posting Cole without your permission."
It warms his heart that she is so concerned about him, but he's a grown up, he can handle it.

"I've been trying to find out if there's anything we can do about it, but it's not illegal to take pictures of minors. Especially out in public. It's not really welcomed that they post them without consent, but I'm afraid there's nothing legal we can do about it. Now we just have to think of a respons to the speculations." Charlotte says.

Her telling them that Cole and Zara aren't protected when they are out and about feels very unfair and wrong.
It worries Daniel, because he doesn't know if Stevie will want to go on exploring their feelings for each other if that means her kids will be stalked by paparazzi and fans.

For Stevie it is frustrating, but she will just have to try to protect them as much as possible. Or never be in public together with Daniel again. For now that will be ok, but if they actually end up together they can't exactly stay inside all the time.

They will have to talk about this later, but now it's important to decide how Daniel will react to these silly gossip.

"Well I guess you will have to tell them Cole is not your son." She says even though it would have been a lot better if Daniel was the father. At least they would have a father who cared about them. But unfortunately that's not the case.

"Yeah I know. And what do you want to say about the speculations about us?" Daniel asks her.
She sighs, that's also something she wasn't really ready for.
"I don't know. We haven't even figured that out ourselves. I feel like it's too soon to say anything about that."

"You're right. But even if we knew, we don't owe anybody an explanation about our relationship status. It's our life." Daniel doesn't want this to interfere with whatever is growing between them. He wants to have that time with her so they can work out what they want. Or mostly what she wants, because for him it's crystal clear.

"I think we should write a statement that Stephanie is one of our team members and that the two of you are good friends. That Cole is Stephanie's son, but not yours and that any similarities between you and the boy are a coincidence." Christian suggests.

"And also that we will take legal steps if people posts pictures of her kids." Daniel adds.
"But we can't take legal actions." Stevie reminds him.
"I know, but let's hope they don't know that. We can at least try right? I just want to protect you, Cole and Zara."

Why is he so freaking perfect?

"Charlotte can you write the statement, then let me read through it before we put it out there. Let's hope people will leave it to rest and put their focus back on the performance in the car." Christian sighs.
He loves his job, but when he first started, the whole social media stuff wasn't a thing so they didn't have this much gossip to worry about.

Now as soon as one of his drivers is seen with a woman, the internet blows up and there's a dozen gossip pages all over it.

"Daniel I think Seb should be done on the simulator soon, could you take over for some input?" He turns to Daniel.
"Yeah sure. Come on baby let's go. Do you want to wait here or should I call you a taxi?"
They walk through the hall back to the entrance hall.

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