Alpha - Disgraceful Existence - Chapter 69

Start from the beginning

Jae Beom furiously yanked his wrists in fear with his bulging eyes glued to the little toy- Halt! Jeon Soomin abruptly paused mid-way upon hearing his upset holler. She shifted her angered gaze to her former lover... who was glaring at her with burning-hot tears as she gripped the hammer above her head... contemplating whether or not... she should seek brutal revenge and smash his duck.

"You're reacting harshly over a mere duck... but not with me? This is ridiculous," Soomin sneered at Beom's reaction, who had exploded for the first time since she met him.

The Jeon's daughter assumed he was a naturally nonchalant man... thinking it was his personality to be unbothered... yet here she is... witnessing his glowing red face... fuming in extreme agitation over a mere toy. Beom grunted in discomfort while struggling to sit up, so the alpha shoved his feet against the mattress until his back aligned with the bedboard and finally sat up with his arms stretched out.

"My father gave it to me!- Are you crazy?!- You have no right to barge inside my home! Strike my face with a frying pan! Cuff me to my bed! And then smash my duckie!" Beom angrily bellowed with a dark frown. Soomin glanced at the unscratched duck on the floor with a bitter look and slowly lowered the hammer without striking his beloved toy... once she acknowledged the heartbreaking reality.

"Maybe I am the crazy woman for coming to see you like this...? Ah. What am I doing...? How did I let an asshole screw me over like this?" Soomin scoffed in disbelief with her face lowered.

"I said free me!- Soomin! I don't like this! I SAID FREE ME!" Beom snapped at her in extreme irritation as he repeatedly yanked his wrists between the cold cuffs. 

The alpha averted her torn gaze with a wrenching heart to find the jaguar fuming at her with an upset glower. She exhaled in defeat- Thud. The woman suddenly dropped the hammer, strolled forward to grab the key from the nightstand and carefully unlocked the handcuff from Beom's right wrist. Beom dimmed his sour gaze on his former lover. Snatch! The alpha roughly seized the key from Soomin to loosen the other cuff himself and angrily shoved the steel off his injured wrist.

"I was just joking- Ah!" Soomin apologized but gasped in shock once Jae Beom jerked his bruised wrist free, roughly shoving her aside, and scrambled off the bed with flaring nostrils. Thump! Thump! He stumbled over the floor, possessively snatching the yellow duck before snapping his attention towards the Jeon's daughter with a disapproving glare. Soomin weakly collapsed onto the spare mattress with her lips ajar... after he rashly pushed her aside.

"Leave. Don't make me drag you out of here," Beom clenched his jaw at her spiteful glare. Jeon Soomin sniffled at his harsh demand while rubbing the leaking tears from her damp cheeks as she glared at the alpha in extreme resentment.

"Maybe my biggest mistake was to believe a lowly man like you could ever treat me right," Soomin whispered as she sat on the mattress.

"What are you talking about?! You smashed my face and cuffed me and even tried to destroy my father's-"

"Does the swollen bump on your forehead or- the bruised wrists... or the stupid toy duck... bother you that much?!" Soomin screamed in anger as she desperately searched his face for a glimpse of concern... but Beom only frowned at her with a bitter look.

"Of course! You could've left a blood clot in my brain- and I could've lost my duck-"

"Who cares about you stupid duck!?- You're so triggered over everything!- But not my broken heart?!- Even at the sight of my flooding tears?! And helpless whimpers?!- You feel nothing at all?! Am I worth less than that freaking duck of yours?!" Soomin shrieked until another wave of pain tore through her wounded heart. 

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