Alpha - Cursed Flame - Chapter 67

184 6 33

Third Person POV

Choi Woobin stormed straight towards his parked car with a dark frown, hastily flinging the door open, and slipped into the driver's seat with a face smeared with greasy food sauce as bulging veins... formed over his strained neck. His blood was boiling and his temples... pulsating out of control at the thoughts of Kim Hajin's headstrong resistance toward his patience. Thump! Thump!

"ARGH!" The man angrily bellowed in rage while hammering his fists against the steering wheel to expel his scorching rage with a fiery scowl.

He aggressively kicked the compartment- producing a loud thump at the colliding impact of his shoes- as his buff chest inflated and deflated rapidly to regulate his explosive discontentment. The man couldn't breathe properly because of his disrupted airflow- and only after a moment of fighting the urge to leave the heiress's side impulsively... did he eventually lower his sweaty face to contain his anger as the searing emotions tore through his heated chest.

"Fucking hell," Woobin cursed, shakily lifting his face off the steering wheel to lean against the headrest with his eyes closed and fumed in frustration.

It isn't his nature to lose his temper over a mere inconvenience... but Kim Hajin? The thought of her alone could fuel a scorching blaze within his soul. He couldn't understand how anyone could be so stubborn and immature. The man swallowed the hard lump in his throat while sitting alone in the muted car for roughly ten minutes... without starting the engine.

Choi Woobin eventually exhaled for the last time, shoved the car door open, and strode back toward the villa- Thud. It is his duty to secure her safety so he can't leave her side, not even when he can't stand her presence. The man pushed open the door, expecting to see her trashing the place, but for some reason... the villa was dead quiet.

The opposite door leading to the gloomy beach was... wide open... as the cold wind gusts coursed into the villa with its frosty chills. The man paused to scan the hushed space with a dark frown, unsurely questioning the heiress's abrupt absence... before storming through the villa to step out into the opening... until he spotted the stamps of fresh footprints over the sand... leading right to the... winter sea.

"Kim Hajin?!-" Woobin shouted for her. He jogged over the beach with a dreadful feeling, suddenly halting in shock once he found a single strand of the familiar ribbon... washing on the shore. Splash! Splash! The man scoffed in disbelief and frantically splashed into the calm surface to search for the missing soul.

"Hajin?! Are you fucking out of your mind?! HAJIN-AH!-" Woobin bellowed at the top of his lungs but all he could hear was the subtle whistles of the gusting wind. The man paddled deeper into the cold water to search the shallow waves with a frightened expression... until he noticed... a white gown floating in the deep end.

"Yah!?- Hajin!-" Woobin gasped, leaping over the water to reach her as the freezing wind current stung his skin with its frostbite. The man hastily snatched the silk gown and hurled her body out of the water with a thundering heart. 

"Ah!" Hajin shrieked, wildly clinging to his neck with burning red eyes once he yanked her head out of the water, causing Woobin to freeze at her startled expression as the heiress rubbed the slimy snot from her nostrils.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Woobin shouted at her face in extreme anger.

"Don't touch me!- Why are you still here?!- I was taking a dip!" Hajin shrieked, angrily shoving the man away in irritation while rubbing her face to wipe the salty water from her eyelids. He assumed she had drowned in the sea- and his soul almost left his body at the sight of her floating gown. Woobin scoffed at Hajin's reactive refute in disbelief after realizing... she was completely fine.

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