Alpha - Blooming Flowers - Chapter 1

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"I never lost my memories."


POV: Jang Sora.

The glowing living room decorated with LED lights erupted with noisy cheers and laughter when Jake started making funny snorting noises to entertain the crowd. I pursed my lips at his ridiculous distorted face and shook my head lightly as the guys excitedly tossed the infamous red party cup in the air.

We were playing truth or dare at a pre-graduate high-school party. Hosted by Carla, our class representative. And yes, the underage youths were illegally consuming alcohol. Diluted alcohol. I glanced down at the light blue juice that was supposed to be a 'Fruit Punch'. But I figured the rebellious teen added more than just sodas and fruits to the jar because I could feel the mixture burning my throat after a single gulp. Carla must've added too much liquor to our fruity drinks. I saw her poking around in her father's wine cellar earlier.

"Sora! It's your turn! Truth or dare?!" Michael boomed, stumbling across the living room to slump beside me on our cramped couch. I shyly glanced at the eager crowd when the popular football guy swung his arm over my shoulder to hold me with a smug smile.

"Uh... truth?" I muttered, unsurely glancing at the keen eyes around the room. A few classmates booed in response since they expected me to go for a dare, but I was too timid to risk getting told to do risky things by drunk teens my age. They made Carla drink a mouthful of water from her fish bowl two rounds ago. Jake was forced to eat a spoonful of hot chili peppers. Michael was told to dash across a speeding car- he could've been killed.

"Rumors say you're a filthy rich elite in Korea? Is that true?!" Michael immediately raised his question before the others had the chance to even think of questions to ask me. Taken aback by the unexpected question... I glanced at the others uneasily. I'm forbidden from revealing my identity.

"Uh- Well-"

"You have to kiss Michael if you can't answer us!" Someone screamed from the crowd of tipsy teenagers. My cheeks immediately flushed red, so I turned to find Michael grinning at me, smugly lifting his eyebrow to await my reply. 

"You don't have to answer if you're uncomfortable? But give me a kiss," Michael shrugged, sexily biting his lower lips. I nervously stared at his gifted curled lashes before glancing at his thick lips. Michael is a natural charmer. He's very popular amongst teens his age because he's built different. He is a Black American. But I heard he's half Swedish, so he's taller than most guys at our school.

"Stop it! You're making her feel uncomfortable!" Carla whined, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Well? Do you want to give me an innocent peck? Or answer the question?" Michael teased until I felt my cheeks going numb. I don't like him or anything! But he's so handsome up close it makes my eyes hurt. His jawline is well-defined, and he's really solid- I can almost feel his sturdy body muscles under his clothes just by leaning against him.

"I- I have a boyfriend- so-"

"What?! Since when did you have a boyfriend?!" Carla gasped in shock as she sat on the floor in her sequin mini dress with the red vodka punch in her cup.

"You have a boyfriend?" Michael scoffed while eyeing me in surprise. I smiled and nodded at him. I never told anyone I had a boyfriend because I was supposed to conceal our identities.

"My boyfriend lives in Korea," I shrugged, turning to examine their shocked expression.

"I mean... he wouldn't know if you kissed another guy, right? You're leaving soon anyways- so why don't you try doing something reckless for the memories?!" Jake laughed as he noisily scrunched the chips in his mouth.

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