Chapter 71

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White Harbor 294 AC.


It didn't take him long to like Ser Richard, the man was funny when he wished to be, the stories he told, both of Rhaegar and Lyanna and the ones of his own life after the rebellion, were fascinating to him. But it was the knowledge that this was the man his king had entrusted to ferret out the secrets and information the realm kept hidden, that Wyman found endeared the man most to him.

It also reinforced his faith in the king himself, in knowing that Jon, despite his youth, played the game like a much older man, he deferred when needed though he always remained in charge of the decisions. When they began to speak on Ned Stark and Winterfell though things took a slight turn and Richard seemed reticent to open up too much on them.

"There are things I cannot tell you Wyman, not because I do not trust you, Jon has made it clear you have his trust and so you have mine own, but because I have not spoken to my king on them and I needs must speak to him first."

"Tell me what you can Richard." Wyman said and the man nodded.

"The attack on Jon in the Riverlands I know now it was Edmure Tully who sent the men, I believe and given with what I found out in King's Landing, that belief is closer to knowing, that Catelyn Tully is behind this and the one they're planning now."

Wyman looked at him in shock, was he actually saying that Ned's wife ordered an attack on Jon, that she was at this moment planning another one.

"We must stop them." he said and Richard smiled.

"All is in place Wyman, the man they hired for the task is one of mine own, Jon is well aware as is Ser Arthur, the king is protected."

"Lady Catelyn?"

"As I said Wyman, some things I've yet to discuss with Jon."

He looked the man and tried to figure out what it is he would do in the situation, how would he handle it, that the woman was trying to have a child killed disgusted him, that her hatred ran that deep was something he couldn't comprehend. He knew how she felt, that much was made abundantly clear to him, but that she would actually do this, a woman raised in the light of the seven, he found that he suddenly hoped the stranger would give her no mercy.

"What of Ned?" he asked.


"Ned, are you to tell him?"

"No, it's not my place Wyman, as I said I need to speak to Jon, he alone will decide what to do about the Tully's, as for his uncle, well on that I don't relish the decisions he may have to make."

"Nor do I." Wyman said with a sigh.

"His brother, what's he like?" Richard asked.

"Robb, he's a good lad, the visit Jon made to Winterfell, the difference it made, by the seven it's remarkable." Wyman said with a chuckle.

"How so?"

"The lad was too southern, too dismissive of the North, too close to the squid, you hear much about Jon's visit home?".

"Just parts of it, nothing too in-depth."

He told him then of the spars, of putting Robb and Theon in their places, of the wolves and the speech Jon made during Old Nan's funeral, how each of them from there got closer and closer to each other.

"By the time we split from them to come back here the lad was a different sort, he's quick, smart, has a touch of rashness in him which is a good thing, but, and I love Ned Stark despite it all, but they really didn't prepare those children for what's to come."

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