Chapter 29

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He had expected that the apology would be given directly after the tourney ended, that having all those people in the one place Edmure would step up and make the apology and be done with it. But whether there was protocol he was unaware of or whether Jon Arryn intervened, instead he'd have to wait another day for it, which was fine by him. It was then Jaime came to him and told him he needed to meet someone at the tavern early the next morning.

After the jousts were over and people went their separate ways, he'd barely had a chance to speak to Margaery and hadn't yet had the opportunity to give her back her favor. Every time he looked at the small ribbon he found himself smiling, they had exchanged gifts before, name days and occasionally for other things. But this was the first thing he'd ever been given that was hers, that actually belonged to Margaery and for Jon it felt different, special.

The rest of the night had been a bit of a blur, Joy walking around wearing her rose garland on her head, the crown of flowers making her look like the princess, or queen that Jaime had crowned her and that for Jon she always had been. Gerion had japed constantly about the fish floundering on the ground and at one point had fallen to the ground to do a what Jon thought was pretty accurate impression. While Tyrion had said he'd made more coin today than the mines would ever produce, a jape Jon knew but he did wonder how much he'd bet, since both Jon and Jaime had won he'd suspected a lot.

The funniest part of the celebrations had been when Ghost saw his shield and lined up in front of it, watching his wolf's mouth snarl as he looked at the shield was something he couldn't stop laughing at. Especially when at one point Ghost actually bumped his nose against the hard wood, whether trying to attack the other wolf or trying to steal his fish, Jon couldn't tell but seeing the wolf's reaction had them all laughing.

"Come here you silly furball." Jon said as Ghost trundled over.

He reached out and petted the wolf on the head, before grabbing some of the meat from the plate in the center of the table and feeding it to him.

"Here, we can't have you eating a floppy fish, it may upset you're stomach." Jon said laughing.

When it came time to go to bed Jon felt the tiredness all at once, he said his good nights to Loras and Jaime and the others and made his way to his room. Taking the egg from the fire he curled up beside it in the bed, the little green and gold ribbon still tied to his arm. He slept a dreamless sleep and was quite happy to do so, waking refreshed and ready for the day to come. After breaking his fast he watched as Jaime and Loras headed to the Red Keep, Jaime to meet with Lady Olenna and Loras acting his squire today.

He met Alyrs and Jors and together with Ghost they walked to the tavern, he'd meet whoever it was and then make his way to the Red Keep to get the apology over and done with. Margaery had suggested they spend the rest of the day visiting orphanages and handing out supplies, while tomorrow they'd do so in Flea Bottom itself. He wasn't sure which he looked forward to more, helping those who were hungry or spending more time with Margaery.

"So did you make some coin yesterday?" he asked his guards.

"Aye Jon, on both you and Lord Jaime." Alyrs said smiling.

"What about you Jors?"

"Aye me too, you think I'd let this one have all the fun." Jors said motioning to Alyrs.

"You had us worried though, when you lost your shield I thought you were done for, how'd you manage to stay on Winter?" Jors Asked.

"Really? you've seen him on her, the boys half horse, aren't you Jon." Alyrs said and they both laughed.

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