Chapter 31

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Standing on the deck as the ship pulled into the docks Jon finally felt the stirring, there was something special about coming back to the north. While Casterly Rock and the west had been more of a home to him than Winterfell when he really thought about it, he was of the north and it was good to be back. He could see from looking around him that the other northerners felt the same, Smalljon was almost jumping up in down in joy, though whether that was at the thoughts of being back in the north or of northern ale, he couldn't tell.

Dacey, Ser Jorah and Lynesse too looked happy to see northern soil once again, Lynesse had surprised Loras with how much she'd taken to the north, but Jon had sensed there was far more to the lady than Loras had anticipated. It seems the ladies of the Reach were built of sterner stuff, looking down to his belt where the favor was now tied Jon smiled, he had known that to be true ever since the tourney at Lannisport.

Ser Wendel was smiling broadly as he stood looking at the dock and Jon did his best to see who it was he was looking at, there was definitely people waiting to meet the ship and it took him only a few moments to recognize Ser Wylis. Beside him there were a number of guards and what seemed at first glance to be two young girls, Ser Wylis's daughters perhaps, he thought to himself. To his own left was certainly the most excited of all the travelers to be back in the north though, ever since they'd entered The Bite, Ghost had been more eager than ever to stay up on the deck.

Last night despite Jaime's protests Jon had slept on deck with the wolf, he had found a quiet corner out of the wind and brought a blanket that was added to by the large white wolf curled on top of him. Loras had offered to sleep on deck also, but seeing his friend shiver in the cold, Jon had insisted he went back below deck. When he finally went to sleep he had dreamt of who he believed to be his mother, a young beautiful girl riding a black horse like she was born to do so, her hair flowing in the wind and her laugh echoing, just thinking of her brought a smile to his face.

"Looks like someone's happy be home." Loras said as he walked up behind him.

"Aye, don't you feel the same when you arrive back in the Reach?" Loras's own smile was answer enough.

"How long will we be staying here?"

"I don't know, a few days at least, we have to buy horses and carts, supplies for the Nights Watch and a cloak for a very cold boy from the Reach." Jon japed and Loras pushed him.

"Have you ever been here before?" Loras asked.

"No, until Lord Jaime I hadn't been anywhere, my brother came a year before I left but I was..." Jon said and the sound of Jaime's footsteps allowed him to leave the sentence unfinished.

"I think it's time we got the horse's ready Jon, I'm sure Winter will be delighted to stretch her legs properly."

"Aye." Jon said and took a last look at the docks, he could see The Wolf's Den and smirked as Ghost rested his head on the side of the ship looking on longingly as the docks grew ever closer.

It took them less than an hour to dock, in that time Jon had saddled both Winter and Honor, he led them both from the hold and out onto the deck and down the gangplank where Ser Wylis was thankfully finished the introductions. Walking forward to Lord Jaime he handed him the reins and bid Ser Wylis hello, he was thankful that horses had been provided for everyone. Though not a long journey to the seat of House Manderly, he would rather ride it then walk it and had horses not been provided, then he would not have ridden without Loras.

"She's a fine animal Jon." Ser Wylis said as he mounted Winter.

"Aye Ser, Lord Loras's brother breeds both hounds and horses isn't that right Loras?"

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