Chapter 54

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Gulltown 293 AC.

Victaron Greyjoy.

Receiving a note from a greenlander was damn annoying, being basically summoned to a meeting even more so, the prospect of gold and plunder though was too good to turn down. It had been a hard few years since the rebellion had failed, though at least one of his men had taken out the Old Lion, how Euron knew he'd be there was beyond him. But things had gone to shit afterward, Euron's plans hadn't all been followed according to his brother and whether that was true or not, the greatest fleet ever assembled had been defeated.

It was to the seas once again they had taken and pickings were slim, so when the note arrived he had despite himself agreed to come speak to the man behind it. Sitting now in this greenlander tavern he thought it a waste of time. When he saw the man who came he was certain of it, Victaron was a warrior he respected other warriors, the man coming to sit beside him was anything but. Slim and slight with a small neatly trimmed chin beard, the man smelt like a woman. His neatly cleaned hands and polished bird pin also looked far too much like a woman's for him.

"Lord Captain," the man said and Victaron looked to the man with him, now this was a man he would happily kill, just for the sword on his waist, Valyrian steel would be a nice prize and well worth the iron price he'd pay for it.

"You are?"

"Unimportant Lord Captain. I've come with a proposal for you?"

"I'm not sucking your cock, do you even have a cock? Either way I'm not sucking it, get yer man there to do it, he's got fine cock sucking lips, on a dark night he'd make a fine salt wife I'm sure." he said trying to antagonize the other man, it worked too though he backed away when the small man raised his hand.

"How droll, not exactly known for your humor you Iron Born, though your rebellion was a fine jape." the thin man said smugly.

Victaron glared at the man, someday soon he would gut both of them, give the pin to a new wife of his and keep the sword for himself, it'd stop those Drumm fuckers looking down on him anyway. But he just smiled and nodded and waited for the next time, this time he needed to hear the proposal.

"Have you seen the new Lannister ships Lord Captain, interesting vessel's imagine what you could do should you get your hands on one of them."

"Aye I've heard they have some new ones, though what a greenlander would know about building ships is beyond me."

"Trust me these are worth your interest."

"Fine, I'll take a look, what's your own interest."

"Timing Lord Captain, Timing. I'll send you a note in a couple of moons, give you an idea of when it may be best, should you take one, well I'm sure we can come to an arrangement worth both our whiles."

"I'll look." he said as he drank his drink and left wishing to spend no more time in this place.

294 AC

He had followed the ships himself a few times, the little man wasn't lying with these ships they could be unstoppable, the problem was they were too damn fast for them once they left port they couldn't keep up. Attacking them outside of Lannisport or White Harbor even in Essos would cause too many problems, not only would they too close so that aid could be given, but to set up an effective trap they'd need time. Even knowing the route they took didn't help, they needed to know in advance when a ship would be leaving and what it's exact route would be, he had given up on the idea when the note came.

Seagard within the moon.

A friend.

He almost laughed, he had no friends, but this would be interesting Seagard gave them a lot of possibilities, they already used the route for piracy so they had that to fall back on, no one would know it was anything other than that. The harbor too was more difficult to navigate, coming out of the others the ships could be reaching their full speed almost as soon as they left, Seagard was shallower though and so the large ships had to be more careful.

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