Chapter 14

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Tyrion was laughing and joking with his uncle when he saw Jaime leave with Ser Barristan, he thought it strange until he heard the older man mention Trant, what that fool had thought he was doing trying was beyond him. But he knew it wasn't Trant's idea to try have Jon and Joy removed while they were breaking their fasts, no that idea could only be his sisters.

He had smiled when he heard of Jon standing up to the man, stupid though it was of the boy, but Jon was protecting his cousin and Tyrion would have expected nothing less of him. He wished he'd been there to see Jaime punch Trant but he'd heard and the story was being spread now, how his brother had knocked Trant on his ass and had him removed from the rock was something he'd heard with varying degrees of truth, from more than one Lord.

"Where's Jaime going?" Gerion asked.

"He and Ser Barristan are off to discuss something uncle." Tyrion said hoping Gerion wouldn't pry more.

"What?" his uncle asked.

"I heard Ser Barristan mention Trant." Tyrion said and awaited for the storm that would surely follow.

Gerion had to be talked out of gutting Trant when he heard, kingsguard or not it wouldn't have made a difference, he had heard when Joy spoke that Trant had raised his hand, the only reason the man wasn't dead right now was that Jon had warned him off and Jaime had arrived a few minutes later. If Trant had actually struck the girl or Jon for that matter, then nothing anyone would have done or said would have saved he man's life.

His uncle was rarely angry, Gerion was perhaps the most easy going man Tyrion had ever known, but he was a father and a protective one at that, it was why he'd taken so completely to Jon. Seeing him with his daughter, seeing the two interact was something that even Tyrion couldn't help but smile at, so he could imagine how it felt for Gerion to see it.

"Trant will get his, that I promise." Gerion said and Tyrion felt a chill run down his spine, this was so much worse than he had thought and he almost felt sorry for Meryn Trant.

"Jon's having fun." his uncle said as he pointed to the back of the hall.

Tyrion looked out to see he was indeed having fun, Jon was with the Tyrell's and all four of them seemed to be having the time of their lives, they were laughing and joking and he could see the smile on his uncle's face as he watched them. Today had been something he never expected, the duels were the highlight of the tourney just as his brother had hoped and seeing Jon win made even he, feel proud of the boy.

He watched as Jon and the Tyrell girl whispered together before nodding to the two boys, there was a small discussion and the younger Tyrell boy Loras, made his way to a couple of his guards while Jon went to Jors and Alyrs, Tyrion's attention flit between the two of them, each discussing things with their respective guards, Jon seemingly being more persuasive, as after a moment Jors and Alyrs smiled and nodded.

Whatever they were up to Loras was having no luck and Tyrion watched as his sister made her way over to him, within a few seconds the guards seemed to get on board with what she asked and Tyrion saw them follow Margaery and Loras back to their older brother where they were joined by Jon and his guards, they all spoke for a moment or two before leaving the hall. Just where are you going Jon Tyrion wondered, before laughing and turning back to his uncle.


Olenna was enjoying the feast, this trip itself though tiring had been very productive and the opportunities they'd encountered, would ensure they would be growing strong for a long time to come. Lord Arryn though a dull man was not slow witted and she had enjoyed the conversation they had, after Mace had told her the terms he'd offered for the loan she'd felt no need to renegotiate, her son had actually done an admirable job during this tourney and barring her conversation with Jaime Lannister she'd barely gotten involved in anything directly.

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