Chapter 30

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The Lion's Roar cut through the water as if it was nothing, walking on the deck you could barely feel the waves hitting the ship. They'd left three days ago and Jon found he was already missing everyone, Kings Landing was not his favorite place in the world, but he had enjoyed his time there. He and Margaery had achieved something, which made him feel a sense of pride he'd not felt for all his other so called achievements.

This was different, here they were helping those who needed it most, if he was to be a king, a good king, if he was ever to live up to what his parents would have wanted him to be, then this was how it would start. With Margaery and with Jaime and Lady Olenna's help a small idea of helping to give some food to those who needed it, had developed into regular shipments of food and other supplies. Of course inevitably thinking back on Kings Landing his thoughts turned once again to Margaery. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out the ribbon she'd given him as her favor, running it through his fingers, the smile came unbidden to his face.

"I forgot to give this back to you." Jon said holding the ribbon in his hand.

"Perhaps I don't wish it back Just Jon." Margaery said a smirk on her face.

"Then I shall carry it with me always Just Margaery."

They had said their goodbyes and Margaery had stayed to watch as the ship sailed off, he hadn't been able to go below deck until he could no longer see her standing on the dock. Hearing the footsteps from behind he turned to see Jaime walking towards him, quickly he placed the ribbon back into his pocket and hoped Jaime hadn't seen it.

"I think the Smalljon may be just about ready to throw either Ghost or himself overboard." Jaime japed as he stood beside him.

"It's his own fault, he carries meat in his pockets, I told him Ghost wouldn't leave him alone while he did."

"Aye, it's fun to see though, he still can't get his head around how quiet Ghost moves." Jaime said laughing.

The two stood there for a few moments, before Jaime pointed the island in the distance, when Jon saw it he moved quickly to the bow. They had stopped last night just so they would pass it during the day, Jaime had insisted upon it and now as he stared at it he was glad he had. Dragonstone was magnificent, the Dragonmont rose dramatically in the background, the smoke rising from the peak trailed off into the air. The volcano cut a majestic figure and Jon could feel the draw of it.

As the ship drew closer he could see the island more clearly, the small village at the base of the cliffs looked busy and full of life, he could see the people doing their daily chores, it was then he saw the castle itself. It was like a picture straight from his dreams, a picture that looked ready to spring into life in any moment. The dragons seemed to almost call to him, to will him to come release them, his own egg was locked in it's chest in his room and Jon felt foolish for not having it with him. This is where it belonged, where he belonged, he closed his eyes and he could almost see it, almost feel the life he could have lived.

"Come Jae, lets go to papa he's in Aegon's garden." the girl said her dark hair waving in the wind.

"Aye Jae he and mother Lyanna are back from their trip, come mother wishes us to welcome them home." the boy said his purple eyes staring back at his own grey ones.

He followed them both, the three of them laughing and jesting as they went, his sister holding his hand as his brother raced on ahead. When he got to the garden he saw the woman standing there.

"Rhaenys, Jaehaerys come your father wishes to speak to you and mother Lyanna has brought you both presents."

"Yes mother, come Jae."

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