Chapter 18

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Jaime looked on as Jon rode towards the target and smiled as he hit it firm and dead center, for the last sennight he'd been having Jon work on his lance work and it was starting to show. His horsemanship was incredible but his handling of the lance still needed some work. While it would be years before he rode in the lists, it was better to start as early as possible and though some found using rings a good place to begin, Jaime preferred to use targets.

Rings allowed for precision but there was no feel for how much force hitting something required, far better to get used to the fact that when your lance hit something solid your arm was going to feel it. He watched as Jon began to make the run again, once again hitting the target dead center and this time even firmer.

He made his way over to the targets themselves to judge just how firm Jon had been hitting them, he was happy to see that they were marked meaning Jon had been giving his all, he nodded to him and signaled for him to dismount, watching as Jon patted and whispered to Winter, the horse's name itself almost causing him to laugh. Jon led Winter to the water trot and made his way over towards him, Ghost his ever faithful shadow catching Jaime by surprise as he usually did.

To say Ghost had a habit of sneaking up on people would be an understatement, not only was the wolf silent but he moved more quickly and stealthily than any animal had a right to, the only constant was that wherever Jon was the wolf would sure to be close by. It reassured Jaime to see it to be truthful, not only was Jon completely taken with the wolf, but the wolf it seemed reciprocated. The two were so close that to Jaime it felt like they had been together forever.

"How did I do?" Jon asked as he reached him.

"Good ,very good your getting better, how's the arm?"

"It's fine." Jon said as he stretched it.


"All right it hurts like hell, I didn't realize how hard I was hitting the targets." Jon replied sheepishly.

"Well take a rest for a few days, no sparring or lancing." Jaime said as Jon nodded.

"Go get something to eat, we'll speak later and Jon no sparring is that understood." he added before smiling and walking away.

Earlier that day he received an invitation to Lord Hightower's daughters wedding in Oldtown, he originally was going to ignore it but the more he'd thought about it the more it seemed like a good idea. He'd been going a little crazy spending all his time in the rock and while he had found he actually enjoyed his duties now, it was time Tyrion ran the place for a while, besides it would keep his aunt off his back.

Ever since the ball she'd been pressuring him to invite Lady Alysanne for dinner or a ride or anything at all really and Jaime had no wish to lead the lady on. By going to this wedding he could at least pretend to his aunt he was going to see which eligible lady took his fancy, but mainly he was doing it because it would be good for more of the realm to get to know Jon.

Jaime casually walked back to the lift, he had no pressing business today and was actually at a loss for what to do, normally he'd have spent the time sparring or perhaps going for a ride but he found he didn't like to do so alone as much as he had once used to. With Jon practicing his lance and Gerion and Tyrion in Lannisport he really didn't know what to do with himself.

When the lift reached the family floor he headed to the small dining area, figuring he'd grab something to eat and head back to his room and perhaps do some reading or catch up with some of the less important correspondence he'd put off. As he walked into the dining area however he knew he was done for, there was no escape, no chance to duck back out, he'd been seen.

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