Chapter 53

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Casterly Rock 294 AC.


After breaking his fast with his family and showing Margaery the way to Jon's room he brought Joy to her lessons and was surprised when she managed to get Sansa to sit in on them with her. He was heading back to his own room when Walder stopped him and asked him to follow, he took him to another room and asked him to wait telling him he'd be meeting someone in a moment. Loras sat there wondering what was going on as he and Walder hadn't spent a great deal of time together unless he was with Jon.

He had to admit he was a little annoyed at his friend, ever since they had returned from the North Jon had almost been too busy to see him, he knew there were things happening and Loras felt left out yet again. He knew partly it was because of something between Jon and Margaery and that whatever it was he was doing, he needed him to look after Sansa. While he didn't mind spending time with Jon's sister he was missing his friend. He was thinking on this when the man Walder must have had him waiting on walked in, he was tall and tanned with deep purple eyes and Loras couldn't stop staring at him.

"Do you know who I am?" the man said and Loras nodded.

"You're the Sword of the Morning, Ser Arthur Dayne." he said smiling at the thoughts of speaking to a legend.

"I am, it's good to meet you Loras I've heard a lot about you from Walder here amongst others." Arthur said and Loras could barely breathe, he knew of him, Arthur Dayne knew of him.

"I wanted to meet you, to speak to you as I'll be looking after the king's protection from now on."

"You'll be staying here?" Loras asked.

"I will and along with Jaime I will be handling your training from now on." Arthur said and Loras looked at him in disbelief.

"You..You'll be training me?" he asked his voice shaky.

"You and the king yes."

Loras just sat in shock, trained by the Sword of the Morning, spending his days being taught by the greatest swordsman alive, perhaps the greatest ever. The annoyance he felt moments ago with Jon was gone now replaced instead by intense gratitude, thanks to Jon he had been trained by Jaime Lannister and now would be by Arthur Dayne. He couldn't wait to get started though he imagined it wouldn't be right away with so many guests at the Rock.

"I look forward to it Ser Arthur, wait, your name can you use your name Ser?" Loras said and Arthur smiled.

"My name is Daeron Sand, Loras did I not say." Arthur said and Loras laughed.

"My apologies Daeron."

After speaking to Arthur for a few more minutes he was asked to show him the layout of the Rock so together with Walder he took him on a tour, the Maester's and Smiths he already knew for some reason. The stables and armory though were what most interested Arthur and Loras almost felt a kinship with him then, as when he had arrived here first he too felt the same.

When he got to the guards quarters to find where Jors and Walder slept Loras was surprised the rooms were laid out how they were, Walder and Jors shared a set of rooms, three rooms, two were bedchambers each with a large bed in each, the other was mainly a sitting room, with chairs and a table and some books. For some reason he had assumed they would have had their own quarters but upon seeing Arthur's smile at the layout he felt he needed to ask.

"Daeron, the quarter's should they not be separate?"

"Walder and Jors are acting as Kingsguard Loras it's a brotherhood, in White Sword Tower we each had our own bedchambers but they are just simple rooms for sleeping, the other areas are used by all, it helps foster the brotherhood." Arthur said and Loras noticed the warm smile on his face.

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