Chapter 66

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Sunspear 294 AC.


The feast was in full swing, celebrating with a Lannister not something men and women of Dorne had ever imagined being a possibility, and certainly not something she had ever thought to be one. However Tyrion she found to be far different than she would have imagined, the dwarf was witty, charming when he wished to be, and most importantly, he was fun.

She found far too many men to be boring, far too many to wish to speak on one subject only, be it arms and martial pursuits like Daemon, or power like Drey. Tyrion though didn't limit himself, his interests ran into almost everything, be it wine, or trade, politics or knowledge, no subject seemed beyond him. She found herself immensely enjoying their talks, so much so that Quentyn despite their earlier talk, still glared at her as she laughed when Tyrion said something funny.

"He is a Lannister and a dwarf, why should we feast him."

"He is a guest of our uncle, his family is the reason the Mountain that rides no longer does so, the reason why Amory Lorch breathes no more, they have helped avenged Elia, helped avenge Aegon and Rhaenys."

"They were the ones behind it in the first place." Quentyn said his voice raised.

"You blame a child for that, are you responsible for everything father does, am I?"

"That is not the same, father does not order the deaths of children."

"You will treat our guest with respect Quentyn, or I shall send you back to Yronwood in disgrace, or better yet Oberyn will teach you what being a Martell really means."

It seemed though that their conversation hadn't taken, Quentyn still the same petulant and childish boy he had always been. She would shame him if he spoke up though and he knew it, so he held his tongue, which was more than she could say for Tyrion, who was presently telling a delightfully rude story about a Jackass and a Honeycomb. Such a wicked tongue he has she thought with a smile, wondering if he knew how to use it in other ways.

"Lord Tyrion, perhaps you'd join me for some air?" she said smirking as Oberyn nibbled on Ellaria's ear.

"I would be honored Princess." he said and rose to his feet.

They walked from the hall to the balcony, other couples sitting around drinking and enjoying the cool breeze. Dornish feasts were far less formal than those in the rest of the seven kingdoms, once the food was served, the high table became less of the focus. Instead people would dance, move around more, only politics and important matters kept people to the high table.

Looking back into the room she saw Drey and some others look to her forlornly, she had kept her attention almost exclusively on Tyrion this night, kept her conversation mainly to him and her uncle. Rather than work the room, she had instead worked the man, trying to find out if it was a brief momentary lust she felt for the forbidden thoughts of being with a dwarf, or was there more to the man than his size.

"This is not what I expected princess." Tyrion said as he sipped on the wine.

"Arianne." she said as she sat on the small wall, her dress opening to show off her legs.

"Arianne, a Dornish feast, it's far different than I had expected."

"In Dorne we like to savor things Tyrion, enjoy each dish as if it's our last, enjoy the spices, the flavor, every mouthful, are you not a man who would enjoy every mouthful?" she said as she crossed her legs, her dress revealing even more of them.

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