Chapter 42

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Jon followed her to her rooms Ghost walking closely beside him, she wished to speak some more to him and he to her after what she'd said in the crypts. However when they arrived at her rooms he found they were not alone, sitting up at the edge of her bed dressed in his night clothes was Hodor and he was clearly agitated as he sat there shaking and trembling.

"Hodor, Hodor." he said when he saw Nan.

"Oh my poor boy, here drink this." Nan said grabbing some water.

"Hodor." the giant man said as he took the mug from her.

Jon watched on as she comforted him, he was never really sure of their relationship, grandson, great grandson, great great grandson. To figure out which it was you'd need to figure out just how old Nan herself was and that was a mystery that no one knew the truth of. Eventually Hodor calmed down and looked up at Jon and smiled before saying that one word that he always did, Jon though had for some reason always understood him well.

"Hodor." he said with a smile which Jon returned.

"It's good to see you too Hodor."

"Walder." Nan said.


"His name is Walder not Hodor, I want you to help him Jon Snow, only you can."

"Help him, how?"

"As you do with Ghost, you must do with Walder." Nan said looking curiously at him.

Jon looked at the woman as if she was crazy, which at times over the years he had no doubt a lot of people had probably thought she was, but there was no sign of it in her eyes as she looked back at him, far from it. Jon had never seen the woman look more alert than she did right now, she looked different to him. At first he had put it down to his memory of her playing tricks on him, but now as he really examined her she looked almost, younger.

"I can't do that with a person." Jon said.

"Who says you can't, you have a gift given to you by the old gods themselves, you think they put limits on their gifts Jon Snow?"

"I don't..I mean, but a person?"

"Is no different than a wolf or have you learned nothing when you run through the woods as Ghost, you can do this Jon. I've been waiting since the day your uncle left for the Vale for you to come and help my boy."

Despite his reluctance to believe what the woman was saying, despite his own disbelief that this was even possible and despite the thoughts of the wrongness of what he was about to do. Jon felt Ghost come beside him and as he ran his hand through the wolf's fur he realized that he'd already decided to help. He looked at Hodor/Walder and could see something he had never noticed before, pain, there was pain in his eyes and Jon felt ashamed he'd never thought the man capable of such a thing.

"I'll try."

"Do or do not, there is no try." Nan said.

Jon nodded and reached his hand out to Walder who was clearly just as nervous as he was. He looked to Ghost who walked over and Jon took Walder's hand and placed it on the wolf's head, watching on as he stroked the fur looking happy as he did so. When he saw him calm down Jon walked over and grabbed a chair and placed it in front of the bed, sitting down on it he closed his eyes and reached out to form the connection. He immediately found Ghost but that was all he could see in the room, so he moved further away rising from the room, out into the keep and then outside the keep itself.

Before he could get his bearings he was in a raven and so he flew over the broken tower, over the Bell tower and into the Godswood. The Heart Tree was standing out like a beacon, with everything else around it paling into insignificance, so he flew towards it and landed in it's branches. Above him on a different branch stood another raven and as he looked at it he saw it had three eyes, he cawed loudly at it and it stood still, before he took off and flew towards it, forcing it to fly off.

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