Chapter 9

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Jon swung his sword against the training dummy, around him boys were practicing their moves and showing off their skills but Jon was simply building his endurance, using the heavier sword against the dummy like Jaime told him. His father had always said the reason he didn't appear in tourney's was so an opponent wouldn't know what to expect, Jon took that advice to the heart, but since he would be fighting instead he underplayed his skills and didn't show off like the other boys were doing.

He looked around the field at his potential competition there were some that stuck out immediately, the young Tyrell boy he'd met the day before Loras seemed quite skilled although Jon thought him a little extravagant in his moves. Lancel while being an idiot looked much better than he had expected, there was the two Royce boys Robar and Waymar, both skilled though the older one also had size on his side.

Jon finished up and walked past the Stormland squires, none really stuck out though there was no shortage of bravado coming from them, the Westerland squires were just as loud though some of these did at least have the talent to back it up, the Riverlanders didn't interest him, sure they would provide competition but Jon preferred to keep away from them, suffering their liege's daughter was enough.

"Ah Snow, care for a spar." the jovial voice said pulling Jon from his thoughts.

"I'm afraid I must decline Lord Loras, I have somewhere I need to be."

"Perhaps we'll be drawn together then?"

"Well then I'll wish you good fortune now shall I?" Jon cheekily replied.

"Ah, that's the spirit, you too Jon, best of luck, perhaps we'll stay apart until facing each other in the final." Loras laughed and turned to practice with his brother.

Jon had to smile, never bet against a confident man was something he heard people say, but being too confident was as much a problem as not being confident enough. He walked over and placed his sword back among the others and made his way to where his guards were waiting. It was strange for Jon to find himself accompanied by guards, but it was something Jaime insisted on when he was outside the castle. Jon didn't mind though, his guards Alyrs and Jors were hills, bastards just like him and they built up an instant camaraderie.

"Finished for the day Jon?" the taller Alyrs asked, his physique was impressive but it was the shorter Jors who Jon thought the more skilled of the two, he'd watched them spar and while Alyrs was no slouch Jors was much better.

"Aye, Alyrs you two eaten yet?"

"No Jon, it's fine though we're not hungry." Jors replied.

"Well I am and it's my treat, come on I'm sure an ale and some food would go down well."

The two men smiled and all three of them made their way to the small tavern Jon preferred, the food was always delicious and the patrons had gotten used to Jon and had stopped making a fuss over Lord Jaime's squire.

Jaime sat at his desk waiting for Tyrion and Gerion to arrive, Jon Arryn had asked for a meeting and he knew it was about funding the crown, something he no longer wished to do. His father had used their money to increase his influence at court, something to hold over the head of the stag and the fat king had taken the money like a pig takes swill. His sister wasn't much better, the woman had never been refused anything by her father and she took the same approach now, luxury items imported at great cost and damn the expense.

"Brother." Tyrion said as he entered Gerion following behind.

"Tyrion, Uncle, sit down, there is much we must discuss."

"I intend to cut our contribution to the crown." he said noticing the shock on both their faces.

"They already owe us nearly a million gold dragons, father was funding the crown at the rate of almost 250.000 a year not to mention the nearly 100.000 Cersei spends from the funds father gave her, this needs to stop."

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