Chapter 57

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Casterly Rock 294 AC.


He helped Jon back to his feet, took out the cloth he used to clean his axe and gave it to him to stem the flow of blood. Once the worst was over he looked to see his eyes were bloodshot and he seemed a little dizzy. He was thankful however that Jon was awake and alert, seeing him fall he had found himself back in those woods again.

The men rode fast and he felt the arrows hit home, though the pain itself was only minor. He looked to Jon who was laying there unconscious, no not unconscious, was he warging? Before he had time to think too much on it they were upon him. There were nine of them in all and as he began to swing his axe he knew there were too many, he would die here, Jon would die here today. But he would take as many of these fuckers with them as he could manage.

His axe caught the first man on the shoulder and almost cleaved him in two, the second lost his head, the third blocked it and Walder hit him hard with his head feeling the man fall back to the ground. As the fourth and fifth came towards him he saw two move to Jon, he felt his rage build and swung wildly as he moved to cover his king from them. Suddenly the sky darkened and he looked on as the two men nearest Jon where enveloped by a flock of sparrows.

He saw a dozen gulls attack another man as yet another fought off a giant eagle, in the confusion he brought his axe down on a mans head, the axe going right through until it reached his neck. Around him it was carnage more animals had joined the fray he saw a man on a horse be covered in what looked to be hares and rabbits. Another horseman attacked by deer while a man on foot was impaled by an elk's antlers.

The leader turned and began to ride away and he had made it no more than ten feet, the horse not yet into it's gallop when a white blur took him from the horse knocking him yards away. The winded man never made it to his feet before Ghost was upon him and the wolf didn't give him the mercy of a quick death. Then it was over, the birds flew back to the sky as if they'd not been there, rabbits, hare, deer and elk simply blended back into the woods.

Were it not for the bodies strewn around him you'd never have known what had just occurred here, he heard a moan from a man who was crawling away, his hands reaching for a bow. He saw it then, the arrow in Alyrs throat clear in his mind, was this the man who did it? He knew not, but he would suffer for it all the same, how many blows he hit him with before the man died he couldn't tell, but what was left of him was barely human.

Walder ran over to Jon and lent down, placing his hand on his chest he was relieved to feel his heart still beating. He waited then and Loras and Jors were first to arrive followed by Lord Jaime and all of them shared in his relief that Jon lived still. After Dacey arrived it was decided to take Jon to Seagard and Walder couldn't agree with Jaime more. While he didn't know the Frey's the look on Jaime's face was enough and so he watched as Loras and Jaime ride off he prayed to the old God's that Jon would recover.

Shaking his head of the memories as Jon handed him back his cloth, he was happy to see color starting to return to Jon's face. What was even more surprising however was the large smile he wore, as he helped him back to his feet and they walked down the stairs he needed to ask him what had happened.

"You are well?"

"Aye Walder, I'm more than well." Jon said nodding.

"What, what was that?"

"Ghost he needed me, he needed me to see, he's dead Walder the man who killed my brother, who killed Elia, he's dead."

"The prince killed him?"

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