Chapter 63

166 3 0

Winterfell 294 AC.


Work had begun on Wintertown's expansion, after speaking to some of the people who lived there and receiving encouragement, he and Luwin had gone over the food situation. More people, meant more food and more food, meant more expense, with the trade deals White Harbor were involved in, with Bear Island soon to be doing so too, coin would be more plentiful. But even so, given the coin they'd spend on Wintertown, as well as buying more food, it would be some time before they saw a benefit.

This concerned him as in some ways that was the point, while he knew he'd need to spend some coin upfront, he was not used to spending so much and was naturally cautious. They had been going back and forth over this when the raven arrived from Highgarden and whether it was Jon, the gods, or whoever, it felt as if someone was looking out for them.

"My lord, a raven from House Tyrell." Luwin said bringing it in.

He took the raven, opened it and after reading it smiled and shook his head, handing it to Luwin.

Lord Stark,

In the spirit of hopefully new found cooperation between the Reach and the North, given both your son and daughter's ties to my house, I would like to offer you a better deal on our trading arrangements. As of our last order please accept a quarter discount on all shipments between ourselves and House Stark. I also look forward to expanding upon our future cooperation in other areas.

Lord Mace Tyrell.

"My lord this is most fortuitous." Luwin said and Ned couldn't help but agree.

"How much does this actually help us?" he asked.

"Given our last shipment and our next order, greatly, should we wish to expand on orders in the future, even at our present costs we'd be getting a quarter more produce at the current expense."

While not the best at sums, Ned could see huge benefits already, they would need to order more anyway, this allowed for that, at a lesser expense. He began to work it out in his head and soon figured what he'd be spending on Wintertown would easily be set off against what they saved on food orders alone.

That night as they ate he looked at the other boon which had come his way in Lady Jonelle, both Arya and Bran had taken immediately to the lady, Arya especially seeming more eager than ever for her lessons. Ned had stayed outside the room the first day the lady arrived, listened in, and in the end had walked away with a smile on his face. Northern politics, the houses, the bannermen, history and sums, all being taught in that first lesson.

Listening as Arya asked question after question, as he heard his daughter laugh and how a day or so later Bran asked could he sit in with them, all of it proved both Jon and Nan had been right. Maege too, his children were northern and needed to be thought by people of the North. A few days after Lady Jonelle's arrival, he found himself talking more and more to the woman, laughing and japing as they spoke of rides through the Barrowlands, or hunting in the Wolfswood.

"You hunt my lady?" he asked surprised.

"I do my lord, my father always allowed me to use a bow and while I don't get out as much as I'd like, I do still get out."

"I've been thinking of teaching Arya, but can't find the time."

"Maybe I could give her some lessons in archery also, once or twice a week with your permission my lord?"

"I thank you my lady, that would be a load off my mind."

When Arya had heard she would be taking archery lessons a couple of times a week, she had almost hugged him to death such was her excitement. When she found out it was Lady Jonelle who'd be teaching her, Ned knew that any lesson the woman asked his daughter to do afterward would at least be tried. Something which was shown to him a few days later when with Jonelle beside her, Arya walked up to him carrying a handkerchief.

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