Chapter 70

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Pentos 294 AC.


He found he liked the city far more than Oberyn or even Ellaria did, both of them having regaled him with stories of the other cities in Essos. He knew his uncle Kevan had been back and forth to Braavos and he had spoken to him numerous times on the city, but all Kevan had basically said was that it was nothing compared to Lannisport. He wondered now, was this to dissuade him from traveling just as his father had always done, or was it simply that Essos was not to Kevan's taste.

Whatever the truth of it was, for Tyrion the excitement of travel, the thoughts of seeing a new place had always been something he had wished for, even if it was something he had never expected to be able to do. So he had found the city fascinating, the culture fascinating, the tales of the magister's, of the princes, of the maid of the sea and the maid of the fields, all of it interesting him greatly.

After reading the journal and finding out the names, he sent the men who Oberyn had hired to find out the gossip, to seek out Loamara, but the man remained lost to him for now. Instead, it was tales of Daenerys Targaryen, tales of Viserys Targaryen which reached his ears. Tales of how a magister was offering large sums to find them, of how men were coming from miles around to seek them out.

"How many men has he sent out?" he asked the girl and she shook her head.

"I do not know, only that he sent many."

After telling Oberyn and Ellaria what he'd found, they went to arrange a meeting with this magister, a shared interest perhaps leading to more information, but he made them wait for some time before he agreed to meet them. Tyrion knew it best he was not there, though if the man was as rich and powerful as they claimed, then no doubt he would be known of, by him, soon enough. Oberyn and Ellaria had only just left when the girl approached him, she was young, pretty, and though she had a serious face, he couldn't help but think of how she'd look like smiling.

"My mistress wishes to see you." she said and he looked at her warily.

"Your mistress?".

"I serve the temple, High Priestess Harlos asked me to come speak to you."

"She wishes to see me why?"

"She says she knows the man you look for, Tyrion Lannister. She knows and wishes to help the Prince Who Was Promised."

Arranging his guards, he took a palanquin to the Temple, horses it seemed were not welcome in the main streets of the city and it was far too great a distance to walk for him. It took them an hour to make it to the Great Temple and as he stepped down from the Palanquin he was surprised to see just how large it was. While not as big as the Sept of Baelor, it was by comparison with the buildings around it enormous. He could see the smoke rising from large sections of the temple, the fires always burning no doubt.

Tyrion hadn't spoken much to Melisandre or the guards who were with her, but he had to Oberyn who disliked their proximity to Jon and the potential influence they may wield. It was an uncle's fear he felt, as he knew Jon far better than Oberyn did and knew that it wasn't a red god the boy prayed to. Entering the temple he marveled at the interior, the expense, the sheer effort to build something like this was something he appreciated.

"Welcome Lord Tyrion, the high priestess will be with you directly, would you care for some wine?" a red priest said as a girl stepped forward carrying a tray.

"I thank you?"

"Lapeax." the man said and he nodded taking the wine and sipping.

What it was he didn't know, it wasn't Westorsi that was for certain and he found he enjoyed it so much that he welcomed the second glass. He was just finishing it off when the woman arrived and for the briefest moment, he was back in his chambers looking at Arianne. The high priestess may have been a little taller than the princess of Dorne, but for that, she'd be her twin he thought as she smiled and beckoned him to follow her.

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