Chapter 62

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The Riverlands 294 AC.

The Blackfish.

He had spent most of the ride from the Vale thinking over things, now as he passed Stone Hedge and night began to fall, he wondered should he stop off at the keep and speak to Lord Jonos or should he ride on. Hearing the roar of thunder he found his decision being made for him and so he turned his horse and began to ride hard for the keep. He arrived as the rain began to fall and after speaking to the guards, and them realizing who he was, he was brought inside.

He had almost stopped in the village, just gone to the tavern and spent the night there, but Jonos was an old friend and perhaps he'd give him some of the run down of events in the Riverlands since he'd been gone. For almost ten years he'd not set foot in his homeland other than when passing through, he'd spoken to some of the lords over that time, had met up with some knights and Riverlands men at tourneys and events. But on occasions like that he'd cared not to hear of troubles or gossip from his home, now though he was eager for it.

"Ser Brynden, my father will be with you as soon as he is able." Barbara said, Jonos's daughter was every inch the woman she was named for, right down to the hills.

"Thank you my lady." he said remembering his courtesies and smiling as she left, her chest leaving a few minutes before the rest of her.

He knew he was in for a torrid evening with Jonos, the man liked to drink and to whine about Blackwoods and so he was guaranteed a lot of both before this night was done. His horse had been stabled and would be well looked after and so Brynden stood by the fire warming himself, while waiting for the lord to arrive. When the man himself finally did come into the room, Brynden was surprised to see the smile on his face, it was rare Jonos was so openly happy.

"Do my eyes deceive me or is there a Blackfish in my home?." Jonos said walking to him.

"No, it's really me, it's good to see you old friend." he said with a chuckle.

"Aye, you too Brynden, have you eaten, drank?."


"Good then we'll do both and then we'll speak."

He followed Jonos to their hall, it was small but still with how well it was laid out, it could hold more than a hundred men, though there was less than half that there now. Jonos brought him to the high table where his wife, Barbara, and his four other daughter's sat, all mirror images of each other, with jet black hair and dark eyes. Taking his seat he welcomed the ale and the meal itself was the best he'd eaten since leaving the Vale.

The deer was perfectly cooked and plentiful and he found himself enjoying a second helping, the vegetables were less appetizing but he ate them all the same, though it was the pie which followed he enjoyed the most. He had always had a sweet tooth and apple was his preferred choice, this one being made from apples from the Riverlands made it just that much nicer to his thoughts. Once done and after washing it down with another ale, he waited until the dishes were cleared and then began to speak to Jonos.

"So what brings you back Brynden, finally going to help me get rid of Tytos?" Jonos only half japed.

"I heard some things about my nephew which caused me concern, came to see the boy for myself.

"You mean that trouble in Kings Landing?" Jonos said and Brynden cringed, they were speaking of it openly which was not a good sign.


"Silly affair, what young Edmure was thinking I'll never know, but he trod on the Lion's tail Brynden and even with Tywin gone that's not the thing to do."

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