Chapter 92: The Battle Of Two Champions.

Start from the beginning

The final group of people that Ash has spoken to have been his fellow champions. All of them have been supportive to him with them all reiterating their support. Even Lance has been quite strong and supportive with his message, despite the fact that the two of them are facing each other in such a block buster battle in a few days time.

Speaking of that battle, the next day Ash and Serena head back to their own house to spend the final rest day they have to prepare for that very battle.

It was never apart of Ash's plans to leave one day for planning out his team for the biggest battle of his life, but here he is. He'd have loved to have done more training and planning but he's got to deal with the hand he's been dealt now.

As such he spends the entire day either at his computer or in front of the tv screen, studying every battle he can find of his opponent. The only thing he really does in between apart from his basic human needs is go outside to do some brief training to test a strategy before going back to studying.

Evening soon comes around with it being time for dinner. Knowing Ash is studying, Serena elects to cook for both of them. Yes she has been doing the majority of cooking lately but she doesn't mind as long as Ash is appreciative of what she does for him.

She soon loads their dinners onto two trays before she brings them out to the living room. She sits down next to her boyfriend and holds out a tray towards him as she exclaims "Here you go handsome. I made spicy ramen because I know it's one of your favourites. A big portion too because you need a big meal for tomorrow."

Ash smiles at Serena's sudden appearance and her meal of choice. He takes the tray from her hands and gives her a small peck on the lips as he replies "Thanks beautiful, you're the best!"

Serena giggles a little at Ash's excitement, really taking a lot of courage from every smile he gives her at the moment. She knows he's still feeling a little down and confused, which is why it's so important she can be there for him whenever she can. Today her day has basically consisted of doing little things to help Ash with his preparation, making this day a little easier for him where she can.

Ash decides to take a break from studying for the most part as he proceeds to eat his dinner with his unofficial wife for a bit.

As the two sit and eat together, Serena finds herself glancing up at the screen to see what sort of battle Ash is watching this time. A bright smile soon comes onto her face as she exclaims "This is the same battle we watched together as kids. Lance's first ever battle as champion."

Ash smiles over at his girlfriend as he replies "Yeah it is. I saw you were dishing up dinner so I decided to put this on for a little nostalgia while we're eating."

Serena smiles at Ash's thoughtfulness, finding this touch of nostalgia a little romantic in her own weird way. She sighs a little in nostalgia as she exclaims "That's really sweet of you Ash. So, how was your studying been so far?"

Ash turns towards his girlfriend and nods as he replies with a small smile on his face "Yeah it's been good. Lance has so many different pokemon and so many cool tactics that he's a little difficult to prepare for. Nevertheless I think I've found a good strategy and have a good set of 6 I think I'm going to bring. Some are obvious but some are a little more out there choices that I'm hoping will throw Lance off guard. But overall it's been nice to sit here and not think about what's gone on, just to focus on one thing and forget about him. Those are the times that I feel the best about myself."

Serena internally smiles at the fact Ash's preparation has gone well, while also happy that he's found this activity a nice distraction from the mess that Red has left him in.

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