Chapter 20. Embarrassing

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I wake up drooling on Germany, I sit up and see that he is still asleep. It looks like that not a lot of time has passed, it's still dark. I look up to the sky and it starts to rain.

I stand up and try to find where we were. I look around and see a house, "Germany!" He jumps up and looks around, "what?" I point to the house

"Oh my gosh, we were sleeping in Japans backyard." He slaps his fore head, "dang it we were so close." It kind of sounds like his voice is weird but I ignore it.

We knock on the door "Germany-San, Poland-San?" I wave and say "We got lost last night." We are so dirty, we walk into her house and Germany looks for his phone.

He finds it and we put in the directions and head to his house. "Do you mind since it's like two in the morning I just stay at your house?" He shakes his head yes and we stay silent on the way back.


We arrive at his house and we look at each other. "I think we should both take showers, since we are so dirty." I agree "you can go first."

He goes and takes a shower and I wait in the kitchen. He comes out and I go into the shower.

Germany goes to his room and tries to go to sleep, but he can't. So he goes to the kitchen and gets a cup of coffee.

I get done with my shower and I realize that I had left some of my clothes at his house and before the shower I put it on the couch.

"Germanys asleep right? I can just walk in the living room and grab them, right?" I put a towel over my waist and I go to the living room.

I walk in and grab my clothes off the couch and see Germany in the kitchen. Our eyes make contact and I had messed up. "Polen?!" I scream and run away.


I hide in the bathroom and take deep breaths.

I put my clothes on and hide my wings, praying that Germany didn't see them. I walk back into the living room to see Germany was passed out on the couch. I go on the other side of the couch and I fall asleep.

The next morning I get up and go back home, because my sister is probably worried. I say goodbye to Germany and go home. I return home and see Latvia in the living room.


He turns to me, while talking for Lith. I slowly start to walk upstairs "Uh, don't mind me. I'll be upstairs if you need me."


Hey guys I'm really trying to get to some good parts of the story so just hang on. But here are your pics.

 But here are your pics

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