Chapter 1. Pilot

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I had just finished up my work for the day. I look at the clock to see that it's 4:37 I had pulled another all nighter. My sister told me to stop doing that, but here I am just laying down in bed staring at my phone.

I wake up in my bed Lithuania yelling at me to get up, I guess that had dozed off. I got up and was super tired, I grabbed a button up shirt and a bow tie with the pants that I already had on when I fell asleep.

It is lazy I know, and  I also don't care.

Now downstairs, I grab a snack for breakfast and rush out the door. "Dang it! I'm going to be late for the meeting! I can't be late again." I said to myself while running to the bus stop.

I'm stressing out, panic and praying that I'll make it in time while I'm on the bus. And I look down at my phone to see that Ame had texted me.

Ame: Hey, I need you as quick as possible. Where are you?

Me: I'm almost there. Just wait at the entrance.

I walk to the bus doors at my stop, I also thank the bus driver and run to the office.

"There you are I started to get worried that you were going to be late or something." As Ame told me when I walked in all sweaty. "Yeah, but I'm here now. Whatcha need?" We walk into his office , "l have to deliver something to Germany, but I have something in the way so I can't do it." I interrupted him "So you need me to deliver it to him?" He shook his head yes and I sighed "I can do it after this meeting." "Great, thank you so much Poland."

Sometimes I wonder why I do things but I would do anything for Ame, and yes anything. Why well he had helped me so much over the past decades and I owe him my life, because has saved mine.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my briefcase and headed the meeting. I walked in to see UN with Andorra, China, South Korea, and Greece. I smile at them and went to my seat and waited for the meeting to start.

"Poland? Poland?!"

I lift my head off the table and see everyone surrounding me "What?" I ask them. "You were asleep the whole time." UN chuckled. I'm so embarrassed by this "I'm so sorry sir, it will not happen again." I pushed my chair back and bent over when saying the apology.

I speed out of the room blushing out of embarrassment and go to Ame's office to get the "package" for Germany.

"America?" I knock on his door and walk into the office, but no one is there. I look around and see a package with a note saying thanks with a smiley face.


Here are some countryhumans pics which are not mine ;)

Here are some countryhumans pics which are not mine ;)

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