Chapter 7. I need answers

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I see his face, Third Reichs face. The face I never wanted to see again. I fall back and try to scoot away, but he comes closer. I get up and run for the door.

The door closed automatically, so I tried to open it. But it was jammed. "No, No, No!!!" Still trying to get the door to open and then  I feel a sharp pain in my arm.

I look at my arm and see him biting my arm. He also has sharp teeth, it's a weird genetic in his family. I cry and he lets go of my arm and I look at the door to see that I'm holding the doorknob in my hands.

I hold my arm and run to a corner away from him. I pull my phone out and call Ame.

Me: Ame? Ame!

Ame: What?! Why are you yelling?

Me: Third Reich... Third Reich is alive in my garden!

Ame: Crap! Soviet I know where he is know. We will be there as quick as possible Poland.


I'm still holding my arm, but I see that a piece of Third Reichs clothing had been caught by a piece of the door. He started to freak out and started to cry. He was trying to get loose but he couldn't because he had his hands tied together, because he had one of those outfits that people in mental hospitals wear.

"I thought I was supposed to be afraid." I get up and get closer to him. "Poland?! Poland?!" I look up at the door after getting Third Reich unstuck. "Ame?!"

"Poland, are you okay?" I look at my arm "Were okay." I yelled back. "What's wrong, where's the doorknob?" He asked, "I tried to open the door but it was jammed and I pulled off the handle." Trying to think of ideas, Ame starts to break down the door. I hear other voices in the background, I don't know want they're saying but then I see Third Reich getting scared of Ame banging on the door.

"Wait!" I yelled for Ame to stop. He stops and questions me but I don't respond. I was trying to think how to make Third Reich not scared, because when he got scared in the first place he took a chunk of my arm. I cover him up and tell Ame to kick down the door.

I see a bright light coming from the now open door. I see Soviet Union and UN with Ame, Ame runs up to me seeing my hurt arm and my broken wings. I look around and see Soviet puting the mouth guard on Reich and Reich started crying. "What are you doing?!" Soviet and Ame look at me in confusion. "I'm going to put Reich back to where he belongs." Soviet response with a thick Russian accent. "You can't treat him like this! I know that he is evil but no one should be treated like an animal, not even him."

I can't believe that I'm standing up for the man who ruined my life. He had hurt me so much and now I'm helping him. I don't know why I'm doing this I just can't stand this kind of treatment. I see Germany running and started to yell at Soviet and he stares at me, seeing that I'm hurt.

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