Chapter 24. Home alone

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After we kiss for a moment he opens his eyes and asks me "I thought you were mad at me?" I look down and reply "well I guess I can't stay mad at you, and I understand that you were just worried. And if I were you I would've probably done the same."

I give him a soft smile and invite him in.

He comes in and he keeps on staring at me. I also find myself staring at him. I really want to kiss him again and Adeline starts to kick.

"So what do you want to do?"

He asks me and I give him a evil side eye. I turn to him and get really get close up to him. He starts to blush and so do I. "I want to get on top of you." His face turns as red as can be, I make him trip over and he falls down on the ground.

I get on top of him and I lean in to his face. I kiss him over and over, then he starts to unbutton his shirt and so do I. We were both now shirtless and I started kissing him again.

After kissing him on his lips I start to move down to his neck. He lets out a few moans, but I keep on going. I remove my belt from my pants and I pull down his pants.

We go back and forth, kissing and... having sex. We do this for hours, but at one point we are as tried as can be and we call it a night. I get off of him and help him up.

"So you wanna sleep on the couch?" I ask Germany and he gives me a thumbs up. He falls onto the couch and I cuddle right next to him. I also start to crease his chest. Which he has a six pack, but so do I.


We wake up the next morning and he makes a cup of coffee. "Ger, why do you nothing talk in the morning?" I lift my head up from the couch and I look at Germany.

He hesitates to tell me. His mouth moves but I am so distracted by his super deep voice. "Yo! What is going on with your voice?" He looks away shyly but then says "My voice is really deep in the morning."

I think it's really cool how his voice can that. I can only think about last night and how I want to do it again today. I get up from the couch and I hug him from behind. "I love your voice."

He smiles and drinks his coffee. "So you hunger or thirsty?" I smile and I look at him "well I see I tall drink of water in front of me right now." He turns to me and laughs.

I lean on him and start to rub his back. "I want more." I give him puppy eyes and he looks away trying to think. "Hey, I just remembered that I need to do something at my house. Can we go to my house and I do the thing I need to do and we can proceed where we left off."

I agree and get dressed, so does Germany. We leave the house and we go to Germanys.

Hey everyone here are the pics.

———————————————————————-Hey everyone here are the pics

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