Chapter 18. Hiding things because I'm lazy

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I look at my sister "What?" She chuckles at my confusion "I guess your wings have been regrowing and we never knew, so now you have wings again."

I didn't really know what to think. I don't even know if I want wings again. They're just so big, they get in the way, and they also make it hard to sleep on my back!

I put my shirt on and hide my wings in the shirt. "What are you doing, Polska?" I sit back down and I smile "I don't really want to have wings, so I'm going to act like I don't have them." She looks a little confused but she doesn't really care, I think.


Lith had gone to her room and I was trying to clean the mess that I had made.

I hate messes so much. I could clean for hours, it's weird I know. But I'm just a clean person and I need the things around me clean!

I clean all of the blood off and it looks like nothing had ever happened. "Now the only part now is to keep my wings a secret. It can't be too hard, right?"


It's been a few days and I hate it. It is really uncomfortable to sit, I now sleep shirtless, showering is a nightmare, I just hate my wings.

But I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of it. Sure, it might just be easier to tell everyone that my wings had regrown. But I really don't want to, I mean what's life without a little challenge.

Okay, I'm stubborn and I just don't want to explain them like a lazy person. Cause I am kind of lazy.
Hey everyone I'm sorry but I'm cutting this chapter very short because I have no idea where to go on with this chapter, but anyways here are your pics.

 ——————————————————————-Hey everyone I'm sorry but I'm cutting this chapter very short because I have no idea where to go on with this chapter, but anyways here are your pics

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