Chapter 5

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The next week went by in a blur. I spent most of my day at school then watching baseball practice. I would go to Jay's for a few hours after school then get him to drop me off at Marcy's. I still wasn't ready to tell him everything. I was scared he wouldn't look at me the same way, or that he wouldn't want to even talk to me anymore. I hadn't told Jay the whole truth about everything that happened with Makenna or John. I hadn't even told him that I was living with Marcy. It would lead to even more questions that I didn't want to answer.


I looked up from my spot on Jay's bed as his door opened. "Hey, Mom." He greeted as his mom walked in. She sent us a look. We were curled up on his bed watching a movie.

"I thought about what you asked. I even talked to Aunt Kim about it. We both agreed that Blaire coming with us could be a good thing." Mama P. started.

"But?" Jay asked as we sat up.

"You'd have to sleep in different rooms. We've booked a few suites, so you can have one room and she can have another. Someone else will also be in the suite as well." She replied. Jay smiled at her.

"But she can go." He clarified. She nodded with a smile.

"It's fine with me and even Aunt Kim agreed." Jay hugged his mom.

"Thank you." I heard him whisper. She just patted his back then left. Jay smiled at me. "You get to go on vacation with me." He cheered. I laughed as I nodded. He was so happy.


I smiled as Jay leaned in and gently kissed my lips. I sent him a look as he pulled away. "I'm late for practice." He mumbled. I sighed.

"Fine, go. I'll be waiting." I whispered. He just smiled with a wicked glint in his eyes. I blinked as he pushed my back against the side of the field house. He winked at me then smashed his lips to mine. My hands slowly traveled up his arms.

"Jayton Silverton." His coach snapped. Jay slowly pulled away.

"We'll continue this later." He whispered before running off. I smiled as I watched him leave.

"You sure seem cozy with him." I jumped at the voice. I turned to glare at my older brother, Beck. He knew not to sneak up on me like that.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. He looked around.

"Jake called me. Told me you ran off and he found you out here." He replied. I nodded. "He told me a little bit of why but figured all of it might be best coming from you in person instead of over the phone from him." He added. "I found out you were supposed to be staying with Marcy. I saw Marcy, but she said you haven't been to her house in a few days. I thought maybe since you'd been here about two weeks, you'd join the soccer team. I went over to see. I saw a certain blonde boy on the field and knew where you were. You always were like a puppy dog for him." He said when I didn't say anything.

"I am not his puppy dog." I snapped. He just smiled at me. I scoffed and walked away from him.

"Look, you know you can't run from your problems. You have to face them eventually." Beck whispered as he sat down beside me causing me to sigh.

"How do I face the fact that my boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend? That she's pregnant by him? That he cheated on me more than just with her? That he also got the other woman pregnant as well? Or what I did for revenge?" I asked.

"Wait, what?" Beck asked.

"You didn't know?" Beck shook his head.

"Jake told me you were having guy problems but wouldn't tell me what." He replied.

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