Chapter Thirty-Seven

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A FaceTime call came through Adam. Oh my gosh. If he's staying, then I'm going to crash at his for a while. Although it wouldn't make sense for him to stay. Obviously his mom is gonna tell him to come.

Well his grandmother I guess would tell him to come. The fact I saw Isabella as Grayson's mother instead of a grandmother tells me how complicated the situation actually is. HOLY FUCKING SHIT. They're fucking related and I have spoken to Adam's grandmother.

I answered the call and Adam's half jawline was in the camera. I looked at the ceiling I saw in the background and he leaned his head in further in the Camera. He looks down at the camera.

"Hey," he says.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing, just seeing what you doing."

"Nothing, I'm just chilling."

"You aren't leaving for thanksgiving?" He asks.

"Nah, my mom isn't in the country and I really don't have family that I'm close with to stay with," I answered.


"Yeahhhh...," I trailed off.

"I mean are you going to stay here the whole time?"

"Probably, I don't really have anywhere else."

I wasn't about to say anything about Elijah and Gray. Like yeah I mean your grandmother wanted me to come, but that would make our situation difficult. He exhales and ruffles hair.

"Hold on, Lemme call you back real quick."


He hangs up and I go back onto Tiktok. I scroll for a while and Adam FaceTimes me again.

"Basically, I asked my mom if you could stay with us. She said she doesn't mind."

"Huh? Adam you didn't have to do that. I'm fine by myself."

"Nah, it's cool. I'm leaving around eight, so start packing."

"Adam," I groan.

"You don't have to come, but would rather have to be by yourself or spend even more time with me, also my family," he says.

I can't lie, I rather do that. I hate being alone and being here by myself is gonna be agonizing. No, but what about Gray and Elijah? There gonna be pissed that I'm there. I said I was going to a different country. I can say my flight got delayed. There was an issue with my ticket. Blah Blah common air travel shit.

I might as well go. I can deal with their dominating mean vibes later. I don't wanna spend thanksgiving alone and I can secretly get to meet Gray's mother aka Adam's grandma.

"Ugh fine, Imma start packing now."

"Smart choice, I will text you when I'm close by."

"Okay, I will see you soon."

"Byeee bestie," he squeals, girly.

"Bye bestieee," I laugh.

I hang up and get out of the bad. Time to start packing.


We were almost at his grandparents house. It was at quarter past nine and I'm tired. Having a car journey is fucking longggg. I actually forgot what a road trip is like. I stretched and sighed.

I cannot wait to sleep in a bed. I looked out the window and observed Seattle. It was my first time being here. I was hoping that I would be able to look around and feel like a tourist.

Owning Her| NEWTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon