120: It's Offishial

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The funniest thing about being inside the Mostro Lounge during working hours is that you recognize about 80% of the customers because they're the same people who would frequent Sam's Shop either to buy things or to talk to you (through payment, of course). While Azul was giving you the tour, some people would point and stare because:

"Why is she here?"

"Does she work here now?"

"Oh, no way! Do you think she's on the menu?"

"Ew, dude. Don't be weird."

"What? No, not like that! I mean to talk to, like at Sam's Shop!"

"Ohhh, we can ask later."

You could tell Azul was getting both annoyed and excited. Annoyed by how many people would try to interrupt your training to talk to you, and excited because he was absolutely right in thinking you'd bring in more customers. A shame you only are willing to be a waitress, but he's sure that alone will be just fine.

You and the other were currently at the bar and he showed you the stations for tray returns, where to take the orders, where to pick up the food to take to the tables, etc. You've never had a job, not one that counted other than being a Demon Slayer, so you straight up told him that you might have trouble memorizing this for the first few days. He doesn't seem too upset by it, only telling you to feel free to ask any of the staff for help when you need it.

"You know," You tell Azul as you wave at another boy who recognized you, "I'm a pretty decent cook, too. You probably don't need another cook, but if you're open to adding more things to your menu, even just to test it, then I can help out with that."

Azul resists the urge to narrow his eyes in suspicion. "Is that so? And may I ask why you're willing to do a charitable thing?"

"Is it charitable?" You move out of the way when a worker wants to slip by you, "I just thought expanding the menu would bring more people in since the same foods can get boring to regulars. It'd be good for business, wouldn't it? I don't really have a good reason other than that."

"So... You just want to help improve business from the goodness of your heart?"

"...? Yeah? Why are you acting like it's weird?"

"Well, I-"

"-Nah, because if you're just going to be ungrateful about it, then never mind." You roll your eyes, walking away from the bar because you're noticing that you're actually getting in the way.

Azul chases after you, muttering an "excuse me" when he accidentally bumps into someone.

"No, no, [Y/n]! Let's talk about it. I was just surprised, that's all."

"Oh yeah? Well, your side eye told me otherwise!" Just to be petty, you cross your arms with a "hmph!"

Azul chuckles nervously, "Yes, that's my bad, [Y/n]. It's just that–Well, Night Raven College is short of genuine people like you, so surely you can understand my hesitation."

"Hm... Yeah, okay. I guess I can let it slide," You look back at him with a grin, holding up his index finger, "On one condition."

You laugh at his tense expression, "Don't worry, don't worry. It's nothing like what you're thinking. I just want permission to call you a fancy nickname."

"I-" Azul blushes, "-A nickname? Is Azul not easy enough for you already?"

You deadpan, "Dude if I wanted to shorten your name, I'd be mean and go with "Ass-"

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