PART ONE Pages 42-46

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I am having the time of my life right now! I can't comprehend how I never saw the potential in Sweet Sony to be a great friend. She has all the checkmarks; kindness, loyalty, support, and reliability. Of course, she isn't the brightest in the pumpkin patch, but I love her just the way she is. Right now, I'm at New Heights Plaza with her, and for the forty-five minutes we've been here, I already got most of my outfit, like the dress and shoes.Sonia still needs a dress and accessories, and for me, only the accessories are missing. From time to time, I wonder what it would be like if Katara were here to make a trio with us. But I don't for long, because Sweet Sony is just too much fun!!

We have been scanning shop windows to see if Sweet Sony spots something she likes, but so far to no avail, since she is a bit picky. I honestly hope we can find something though, because I have to be home by a certain time, and the Winter Formal is tomorrow night! Even though I'm not too fussy about looks, I would never forgive myself if I attended the dance in shabby rags while other girls looked stunningly beautiful. Anyway, like Dhar Mann constantly says through his inspiring messages, it's the makeup of a person's inside that matters, not the shallow outside; personality and character come before looks and appearance. I feel a tug on my left arm and look up to see Sweet Sony dragging me toward the entrance of a clothing store: Prom Perfect! The name was a bit cringy, but it's fine; at least she ultimately chose somewhere to shop.

"Come on, slowpoke! We have to catch them; they close at 4:00!" she was saying, while running like her life depended on it.

"Okay, okay, Sweet Sony. But, please, give me a chance to catch my breath!!" I begged.

"No time for lolly-gagging, Meow Mare! Pick. up. the. pace!"

"Why can't we just go back to Catrina's Cliques, in case they have something we missed?" I sighed.

"Because. . . (huff). . . we are. . . (huff). . . QUEENS!" she puffed in response.

"Whatever you say" I reluctantly subdued.

"Finally! We're here!"

"I'm sorry, miss, but we lock up in five minutes. . ." a sales attendant informed us.

"Well, I'm sure we'll find something." With that, Sonia gave the lady a big smile and shuffled past her.

"Hey!!" the woman objected, with an expression of irritation on her face.

"Sorry!" I said somewhat sheepishly.

However, I have to say, Sonia has some really great taste in clothing and accessories! I mean, of course I love the dress I picked for myself earlier, but the beauty and style of her dress is beyond description! I'm so happy. For both of us. Now, all that is left to accomplish is the actual getting ready process tomorrow night. I plan to text Sonia when I get home, so we can figure out what time she should come over the next day to help me get "dolled up". We are walking through the exit of New Heights Plaza, and I recognize how tired I am. I guess I should be, considering the major adrenaline rush I just came out of. It doesn't matter what guys think, for us girls, shopping is no joke!

"So, did you enjoy yourself today?"

"Yeah. I really did. How about you, Meow Mare? Did you have fun today?"

"Of course! Are you kidding me? You're the Queen of Fun!"

"Thanks. . . No one ever told me that before now. If you didn't notice, I don't have many friends, and I sit alone a lot of times at lunch. . ."

"Well, you have me now, and I'll try to be the best friend I can! You are always welcome to sit with Noah and me at lunch!"

"I'm so grateful you think of me as a friend, Marisa!"

"Don't even thank me. . . You're an exemplary friend!"

"I don't even know what that means, but I know it's something kind. . . Thank you, Meow Mare."

"You're welcome, Sweet Sony. Text you later. Or would you prefer a call?"

"Texting is fine."

"Okay, sounds great! Later." Note to self: this girl was the opposite of Katara. And maybe that's not such a bad thing.

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