EPILOGUE Pages 235-237

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3:00 P.M., THURSDAY, JUNE 27TH, 2024

Just as I step into the building filled with so many memories, Noah reaches out and pats my full, thick, dark afro. When inside, we both stand still and breathe. For a moment, that's all we can do. Sonia and Katara are the only ones who made it for the trip back to New Caverns High. Just the original four, all going to different colleges and universities.
For a while, we just roam the halls, savoring this milestone in our lives that drudges up so much awe. Much has changed, yet still so much else yields the same setting sitting in the cobwebbed corner of our minds by having remained the same. Eventually, we split up, going off in directions, each seeking their own relic place of solace. I think to myself how much we split up to go off on different paths in real life. Noah, Emory University, me, Northwestern University, Katara, Stanford, and Sonia, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, staying close to home. Quiver Boy wanted something new, I suppose, and Kat Kar also wanted to have a fresh start, leaving everything behind, but mostly she wanted a challenge, to push herself past her limits. Sweet Sony wanted to play it safe with something familiar.


Well, I wanted more than anything to be in the place where my life changed. For the better, that is. I wanted to cherish the grounds upon which I found my friends, my boyfriend, and I wanted to hold on and never let go. Yes, there were some changes. Yes, I had struggles, and a dark night before the sunrise, but above it all I found what mattered most to me from the very beginning - trust. And if that isn't the best reason to go to a particular college, I don't know what is.

After our designated time to visit is up, we all step into the mild weather of summertime Edwardsville, Illinois. Immediately I feel a unanimous vibe filling the air around all of us. It's silent as we privately ponder our thoughts.

"Wow" Katara manages to breathe.

"That sums it up, pretty much." Noah replies.

"You know, being in there again, after such a long time, I really feel... humbled."

"I feel the same way, Sonia."

"Queen of Calm, I think we all do." Noah affirmed.

And with that, after one last lingering glance, we all turned away from the previous chapter of our lives looming before us.

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