PART ONE Pages 108-121

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Back to the present. The oh so sweet, wonderful present. A well of joy and peace has sprung up in my life, ever since I have been spending quite an amount of time with Noah, my mom, and everyone else who matters. I have also been growing in my prayer life. I figured, Christ is the only Constant in my life, so why not trust Him with all my problems?

Well, for instance, this issue with me having to move all the way to Oregon, is easier to accept with strong support. Just yesterday, Noah and I went to visit Leclaire Park together, and I enjoyed myself so much. It's these moments that I must treasure and cherish in the depths of my heart. We just sat on the wooden bench, trusting and sighing and feeling. And maybe hoping. He sang another song of his, while I watched the birds, the trees, and every living, free, trusting thing.

I feel like reminiscing about this. So I will.

Strolling down a peaceable path with Quiver Boy by my side is something I won't ever forget. I don't even want to think, as much as I usually like doing that. All I wish is to enjoy the beauty of the moment. If the saying goes, "enjoy the little things", then that is essentially what I'm trying to do with my heart and soul. Only, it has never been too difficult for me to find a shining ray of hope in a dark place. I owe that to my God and my mom.

It kind of seems like sitting in silence is our thing as a couple. Well, if we were a couple. Anyways, not awkward silence; more like appreciative and awestruck silence. Most of all, we know we need each other. And, honestly, why ruin it with chitter chatter? It's more meaningful as a quiet snuggle than as a conversational encounter. That's just the way I see it.

Sometimes I wonder what it's like inside Noah's mind. It intrigues me to think about his likes and dislikes, his hopes and fears, his goals and mistakes. Just so I can become a closer person to him, I have to ask him more about himself. I could care less about myself. Even though, I guess, Noah likes hearing about my oh so arbitrary life. Just saying!

I realize I am just rambling on with the thoughts I've been thinking. So, here's a sneak peek of what took place yesterday evening.

"Thinking about anything interesting, Queen of Calm?"

"Not much so. But, I was wondering. . ." I began.

"Wondering what? I have a feeling by your facial expression that it can't be good." He stares me down with a reprimanding look.

For a second, I worry that he's not joking.

"Just kidding, Marisa. So, what is it?" he says with a laugh. The best laugh in this world, I feel.

"Well, nothing important, really" I start to stall. To be quite upfront, I am somewhat embarrassed to admit Noah's life fascinates me.

"Anything you say is important, Marisa. Queen of Calm. You never cease to amaze me with the wonder of who you are." He smiles as if remembering a happy moment in his life.

Wow. I never thought - no, never imagined - he liked me this much. I am honored.

"I am just curious about what your life is like. You know, you up close and personal. If, of course. . . You don't mind?"

"I don't mind at all. What do you want to know first?"

"Well, I know it's silly, but. What's your favorite color?"

"Well, I know it's cliche, but. It's blue, and then silver grey." His eyes sparkle in the luminescent light of the moon.

"That's awesome," I say. "Actually, anything about you is awesome." My eyes turn from curious to starstruck starry.

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