PART ONE Pages 49-69

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To say I am panicking is an understatement. Noah is supposed to come get me in less than twenty minutes, and I have yet to decide which shoes to wear. Yesterday, I had resolved to just model a pair of wedges I already own tonight, since I'm particular when it comes to footwear. It may sound like a miniscule matter, but tonight is definitely not miniscule. How fortunate I am that I have God on my side, as well as Sweet Sony here to be my source of support. Of course, I can't forget about my seraphic mom!

"How about these? You would look so cute in them!" Sonia tried to convince me, while holding up the fifth pair of my favorite wedges.

"They do look adorable, but. . ."

"But. . .?"

"Well, Noah has such a mature aura, and I don't want him to think I act more like twelve than sixteen!"

"Wait. . . I thought you said you want to be fun, including how you dress?"

"That's true. . . Okay, put it in the 'Maybe' section. . ."

"Meow Mare? I don't want to sound like the annoying voice of reason. . . But shouldn't we speed this up a bit? It's, um, 7:32."

"WHAT?!! Really?! I can't believe he'll be here in three minutes!! Okay, I'll just wear the one we just evaluated. . . Please, Sweet Sony, you have to distract him!"

"Ummm. . . Okay. . . I will. . . I guess" her voice faded as I ran to the bathroom to check myself in the full body mirror.

I hear three distinct knocks on the front door, just as I am leaving the restroom and hurrying down the hall. Noah's signature knock. I don't even feel prepared for this date. Oh, well. What else can a girl do at this point but be herself? If Noah really likes me, he'll understand. By the grace of God, I'll find a way.

Sonia had already been ready when she got here, smart girl. She informed me she has no one to go with, so she will just join Noah and I. To be honest, I really don't mind. Her presence will automatically ease any awkwardness, nervousness, or tension in the atmosphere. Often I reflect on how I had wished my friendship ventures would work out, then the bombshell of Katara's secret boyfriend was dropped carelessly. All that is in the past, now. Tonight I'm focusing on my happiness; still, I'll try to mend the salt-filled wound that has formed in Kat Kar's and mine relationship. Oh how greatly I hope I can still call her that, and my friend.

Mustering together everything I have, with multiple reasons to grow this seed of companionship with Noah, I walk with what I think is a confident stance to the front door. Besides, I heard how poorly of a job Sweet Sony had been doing; at least she had made a genuine attempt. I say a silent prayer of honesty, knowing I can't do this properly without Jesus' help and support. I take a quick breath, my heart pounding, and finally acknowledge Noah. I could see how sharp he looked, and for a split second my mind was full of empty space, and my brain was giving way to nervousness.

"Hey Marisa. Hello Sonia. Are you girls ready to go? I think we may be running a bit late." he politely said.

"Of course, Noah. So sorry if we took a bit too long" I replied in my most apologetic tone.

"Don't you even worry about it. The real dance doesn't start until near 9" he tells me with a comforting smile.

"Well, uh, guys. . . We should, um, get going" Sweet Sony gently interrupted, possibly feeling like a third wheel.

For me, the drive went by quite speedily, because outside of his character and handsomeness, Noah is also a great person to conversate with. Sonia was so sweet, too, as always. She just sat there, listening patiently(not that she minded, since she's naturally shy, and rather a turtle hidden in its shell), and chiming in when necessary. The conversation soon turned into a friendly debate, and we are all sad to have it come to an end when we arrive. Certainly, this night is off to a good start.

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