PART ONE Pages 129-134

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    Today is my cousin Joshua’s birthday, so I’m in the local Family Dollar store, in an attempt to get a gift last minute, since his party is tonight at seven, and school was called off due to a major snowstorm. Well, Katara asked to tag along, so I let her. Lately, she’s kinda been giving off the vibe that she is worried about our relationship, or as if it needs mending. And, truthfully, I don’t blame her; in fact, I agree with her. It’s saddening to have to admit to that, but, although since we made up there has been no more trouble, it is even more sad to say that things have been. . . well. . . dull. I hope things change for the better.

    Right now, scanning aisle after aisle, my mind keeps turning the pages in my book of events back to Noah, and what he’s doing. Kat Kar may be no Sonia Satchell, but she can still read me like a book. I guess that’s what best friends are all about. Craving crushes, crashing chaos, cultivating cherish-worthy creations, and such issues. I love both my best friends so much.

“Hey, Meow Mare?”she slices into my treacherous thoughts.

“Yeah, Kat Kar?”

“What do you think of this awesome Anna from Frozen blouse? It even says, ‘Don’t mess with the big boss’, so it’s perfect for your cuz.”

I could tell she was totally kidding, so I responded. But, here’s the thing. What I was planning to say was, ‘Haha, funny one!’

What I actually said was:

“Omg, Noah would totally find this funny, just like I do!”

Silence fell as awkwardness took over. It was quite evident that Katara wasn’t comfortable talking about Quiver Boy, but I have no clue as to why. It’s not like she likes him more than a friend or anything. Wait. Does she??

“Kat Kar, is something up? You know, you’re just being quite quiet. . . And, I’m worried because you’re usually so boisterous, the whole neighborhood hears you. I mean, it’s one of the reasons we get along so well. We are complete opposites!”

She smiles faintly when I say that.

“That is true. And, don’t worry. I don’t like Noah that way. The dude’s like a brother to me.”

See? Can read me even better than she can a book.

“Of course. It was silly for me to think otherwise.”

But truly, was she holding something back??

“Yeah, you know it was. Noah is your man, not mine, and I like it that way. That’s that.”

A profuse blush steals over my face at the thought of Noah being my man. Still, I can’t help but wonder why she was being so secretive. I just know there’s something she isn’t telling me.

“Hey, Meow Mare, check this out. It’s a journal. Maybe Joshy Boy is into that sort of thing.”

I grinned, knowing full well that Kat Kar was making fun of me. All the same, though, it was pretty funny, so I said,

“Haha. Very funny, Kat Kar. Very, very funny.” I said with sarcasm.

Phew. I actually said the right thing this time.

As I contain a chuckle, something catches my eye. It’s a playstation five, and I immediately know Joshua would love it.

“So, Meow Mare, should we go to the next aisle? This one seems to have nothing in our, er, Joshy Boy’s interest.”

She was totally here to shop for herself. I roll my eyes at the ludicrosity of her humorous selfishness.

“Well, in truth, I saw something interesting.”

“Really? What?”

She looked like she was about to hug me. Well, I guess I don’t blame her, ‘cause I woke her and myself early so we could do this and have lots of time, so no hurry. And, well, we’ve been in this Family Dollar store for 45 minutes.

“A playstation five. He loves, and I mean loves, gaming.”

“Sounds good. Let’s go check out.”


A question on her face.

“It’s just, you’re not the only one who wants to shop, you know!”

“Ms. Vernon, are you telling me you’ve gone rogue right before my eyes?”

“And? You just need to watch and learn from the master!” I joke, giggling hysterically.

“Okay, then, Ms. Vernon. Lead the way.”

With that, we shop till we can’t anymore and exit the store. Funny enough, they had a lot of deals, so everything stayed within our budgets. It’s almost as if God was in on the joke, too. Haha, very funny.

No, seriously.

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