PART TWO Pages 202-205

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    Everyone is gathered around in a corner right now, and I don’t know why. I get really curious when I see that Sashelle is in the middle, with no one other than Justin!! What makes this profound is that, from the first time I came here, Secret Say told me the news about how she’s felt about Justin for a long time - in a romantic way. I think she’s about to confess her love for him, and I’m so happy for her; being able to admit to a prolonged secret like that must take great courage and boldness.

“Justin, I have something really, really, really important to tell you.”

I hold my breath, along with everybody else present in the cafeteria.

“I have liked you for the longest time. Like, like-liked you. And, I’m hoping you feel the same way. If you don’t, I guess I’ll have to understand and move on. But, whatever happens, I just want you to know I’ll always have a special place for you in my mostly vacant heart. Say anything you want.”

A unanimous ‘aww’ goes up from the crowd, and we all look expectantly towards Justin. I know he must be under huge pressure, because it isn’t an accepted act to publicly reject someone; much less a sweet girl like Sashelle.

For more than a couple moments, Justin remains stunned and speechless. At last, the popular boy opens his mouth to respond.

“I’m really sorry, but I just don’t feel the same way. Don’t get me wrong, ‘cause you’re an exceptional girl. But, I’m just not looking for a relationship right now.”

    After his sharp words cut through the thicket of suspense, the crowd, disappointed, starts to break up, but not before Sashelle rushes out in a torrential rain of tears. Angella immediately runs after her, but I stay behind. I don’t think she’d want me around in this moment, as she and Angel have been friends for a much longer period of time. I’m not fully sure what I feel as of now, but I do feel anger. It’s unfair the way Justin let Sashelle down like that, and it must be all due to the fact that he is popular!

Several minutes later, though, Sashelle has returned. And what she does takes me wholly by surprise. She squeezes me into a bear hug, failing to let go for a few seconds. Then she whispered into my ear,

“I need to talk to you. Like, ASAP!! Let’s go somewhere else and talk, please.”

I nod my head right away, and follow her lead to an empty classroom, which I later recognized as the art room.

“I can’t believe that just happened! Can you?”

“No, to be honest. I know it was a huge step for you to go out on the waves like that. Just be conscious I’m here to support you, even if we’ve only been friends for a couple of weeks.”

“Thanks, Meow Mare. I don’t know what I’d do without wonderful friends like you and Angel!”

“You deserve the very best of everything, Secret Say. I really hope you find a guy who will treat you right.”

“Thank you so much, Meow Mare. That means a whole lot to me.”

    What I took from this experience is that you never know how a person really is, behind closed doors. I can understand, though, if Justin isn’t ready for a relationship yet; he has to sort through his problem with fitting in. Ironically, later on I found out that Margot and Justin are actually cousins. But whenever she tries to hang out with him(especially at school, where she’s an outcast), he goes on like they aren’t related, or even know each other. It saddened my heart to learn about this, emphatically on the basis that Justin is one of the popular kids.

He could use this influential position to introduce Margot to new friends and people; yet, instead he’s shunning her due to her nerdiness and differences.     


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