PART ONE Pages 34-42

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I enter the small local pizza shop, and begin to look around for Sonia. I had brought my backpack with me, complete with all of my subject notebooks and textbooks, pencils, pens, eraser, and geometry set. I came prepared, ready to be Sonia's study buddy. Finally I caught a glimpse of her sandy brown hair, done up in her favorite style, a messy bun. That's the only way I could recognize her, due to the fact that she's a short girl; only four feet, nine inches at fifteen years old.

"Hey, Marisa!" she waved me over, and then motioned for me to sit in the chair opposite her. She was clearly anticipating this tutor session, if it could be called that.

"Are you ready to work your brain a lot?" I asked her with a challenging attitude.

"I don't know. . ." she answered hesitantly.

"Come on, Sonia, you've got to stay positive!" I encouraged her with a broad smile on my face.

"Okay, I'll try" in her usual shy manner.

"Alright, so what's your most difficult subject? That's what we'll start with for now, so you can improve in your weakest area, okay?"

"Okay. . . My worst subject is English with Mrs. Pierce"

"Well, do you have the necessary study tools for that class with you?"

"Yeah. Just give me a second, and I'll get them"

"Sounds good."

We eventually both settled into a steady work flow, with me on my phone, checking in on Sonia every now and then, and her doing some practice open ended response questions. We planned to do multiple choices tomorrow; for now, we will stick with English, and move from there onward. I'm really happy this is going so well, and I hope we can make it a consistent meet-up. My mind is starting to drift back to all the dilemmas in my life, and I realize I have been distracted for a little while. I wish it would've stayed that way. I notice Sonia kind of looking at me with a concerned expression, so I return it with a quizzical one.

"It just seems like you're so worried about something. I was just wondering. . . I was just wondering if everything is fine. . . That's all" she quietly addressed my silent question.

"I'm doing very well. Thanks for asking, Sonia. Now, I think we should get back to work" I forced a smile. She was really kindhearted, yes, but I wasn't ready to be vulnerable around her yet. I somehow let my wall crumble without thinking and being wisely alert.

We each continue in silence as the other ponders their own thoughts. Thoughts of worry, thoughts of confusion, thoughts of anxiety. Maybe even thoughts of hope, but that's more unlikely. I want to speak and reassure her I wasn't at all mad at her or anything like that, but I'm too afraid to open my mouth, for fear of something, anything, going wrong. I had been given a second chance at friendship, and I don't plan to ruin it.

Finally, Sonia asks for my help with something. However, when I glance at the page, it's obvious how simple the question is. She must want us to talk. Probably she thinks we have an issue to sort out. I guess that part of it is my fault. I don't want to mislead or hurt her, so I decided to clarify things.

"Um, Sonia. . . I just have to say that when I ended our conversation in such an abrupt manner, it had nothing to do with you. . . At least, not in entirety. You see, I have a trusting problem, and it's because. . . Well, it's because I only live with my mom. My dad. . . he left when I was ten" I spoke cautiously. I must not have heard myself correctly, because I have never ever told anyone of my friends about this.

"Uhhh. . . I'm sorry. I didn't know, and to think you had to go through all that and here am I being nosy, prying into your private family secrets" she apologized, her mouth dangling open in utter surprise.

"It is completely okay, Sonia."

"Whew, that's good" she sighed in relief.

"Sonia, do you have a nickname?" I inquired curiously.

"Not really, apart from 'Nia. But if you have a name you'd like to call me, I have no problem with it." she said invitingly in response.

"Hmmm. . . I think Sweet Sony would fit you very well. What do you think?"

"Actually, I love it! Thanks for being so smart, Marisa!"

"Aww, thanks. No one has ever mentioned anything like that before about me. I really appreciate it"

"You're welcome; anytime. Do you have one?"

"Yeah, but. . . It is really embarrassing. . ." I revealed while hanging my head in mock shame.

Still, Sonia looked at me with a shimmer in her eyes.

"It's Meow Mare. . . My terrible, traumatizing nickname is Meow Mare. . . Katara gave it to me" I quickly said, letting the words roll automatically off my tongue.
"Who's Katara?"

"A friend of mine." I hope.

"Oh okay." I think she saw the sorrow my eyes were drowning in. "Well, would you like some pizza? I'm famished" she changed the subject.

"Sure. We actually haven't even eaten anything yet" I took a swift look at my watch bracelet. It was getting late. We have been here for two hours and three quarters. "But after this we should wrap things up, if you don't mind. I'm so sorry, but I have to go. I promise we'll do this again. You just pick the date and time" I attempted a wink, and must've failed, 'cause Sweet Sony burst out laughing, kind of uncontrollably. I joined in, and we didn't stop until a few minutes passed by.

Sweet Sony went and ordered a medium pizza, half plain and half sausage, since we have preferences. Boy, was it delicious! Suddenly I find myself imagining what it would be like to go on a date with Noah. It would be so dreamy. No, that's not a sufficient adjective. It would be heavenly!! I wrap my arms around myself, remembering how strong Noah's had felt around me just two days ago. I notice Sonia staring at me.

"Thinking of someone special, are we?" she giggled.

"Just a friend" I blushed.

"Marisa Vernon, you are a Christian! You shouldn't lie!" she reprimanded jokingly.

"His name is Noah. Do you know him?"

"Yes, he's actually my cousin. Our fathers are brothers by blood."

"Oh wow. I would have never guessed" I wasn't lying this time. Noah never spoke about his familial life. "In that case. . ." I went on, "would you like to come with me to New Heights Plaza sometime before the Winter Formal?"

"Sure. Any style in particular?" she asked in that sweet voice of hers.

"Well. . . If you promise not to tell anyone, Noah is taking me as his date. . ." This girl is really easy to talk to.

"That's wonderful, Meow Mare! We have to get you all dolled up for this Thursday, then. It's a very special night for a very special pair!" It sounded nice to hear someone call me that silly nickname again.

"I guess so. I sometimes wonder why he even likes me, though" I said insecurely, looking down at my backpack and fidgeting with one of its zippers.

"Come on, now, no more of that pessimism and self-pity! Or insecurity, for that matter! He likes you because you're beautiful, brilliant, and oh so kind! Anyone would be beyond blessed to have you, Marisa!" She confirmed the truth of the optimistic side of things.

"Thank you, Sweet Sony. I am so blessed to have found you as a friend and to have you in my life" I said from the depths of my fragile heart.

"Well, I guess I'll see you later on this week, Meow Mare. It's now ten minutes to six, and I'm sure you have better things to do" she told me with a humble tone.

"Bye, Sweet Sony! I'll miss you."

"No, you won't. At least, not for very long, because I plan to give you my number!" she said gleefully with a radiant, glowing smile on her face. She is one of God's special angels.

I left Littel's Pizza Shoppe with a new phone number in hand, for once, looking forward to seeing all of my other tomorrows.

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