PART ONE Pages 142-154

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    I woke up this morning in a really great mood. Why? Because Wednesday, my cousin Joshua’s eighteenth birthday party was THE BOMB!! I mean, I ran into a little awkwardness when Quiver Boy and I almost had our first kiss, but we both stopped ourselves. I could tell basically everyone was watching, and Kat Kar looked quite delighted while Sweet Sony was totally freaking. At the end of the day, I don’t want to ruin the precious thing we have going, so I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who stopped; it would’ve been terrifying for Noah to want to kiss, while I was the buzzkiller.

    Sure, he has known for a while now that I am a sold-out-to-Christ sort of Christian, but that in itself has caused our relationship to tumble, more times than once. He obviously has the hots for me, so to speak, but as much as I feel the same way about him, and hope for something special someday with him, I can not jeopardize my relationship with Christ. It is just way too essential to my life and every breath. Literally. Moving on, I have to say, Joshua knows how to host an epic party. I mean, seriously; the guy knows what he’s doing!

    I am pulled out of my thoughts quite abruptly by a phone ringing loudly. It takes me only a moment to recognize it as my ringtone, “In Control” by Hillsong Worship, my absolute favorite song of all time. I glance at the screen and see that it’s Noah. I answer as quickly as possible.

“What’s up, Quiver Boy?”

“Nothing much, Queen of Calm. You?”

Was it just me, or was he smirking even on the phone with me? This boy is going to get rid of me even before our wedding day. I mean, er. . .

“Same here. Today is pretty nonchalant for us both, I guess. Anyways, why are you calling so early?”

“Oh, I’m sorry if I disturbed you, I just. . .”

“No, it’s totally fine, Noah!” I hurriedly say.

“Oh, okay.”


Silence still.


“Well, I just wanted to know if you’d like to take an early morning walk in Leclaire Park. Last time was so nice, and you looked so beautiful. . .”

“Thanks, Noah.” I blush at his straightforward compliment.

“- I mean, uh. Never mind. You’re welcome. Anyway, are you interested? To go to the park for a walk. . . together. . . I mean. . .”

He is so cute when he gets flustered.

“Of course, Noah. I would love to go with you. Last time was so nice, and you looked so handsome. . .” I said, teasing him outright.

“That’s great!! So, I’ll see you in a few minutes. Make sure to check in with your mom. Love you!

“Love you, too” I whispered in slight confusion.

    Wait, what? But by now he had already hung up. Did he really mean what he had just said, or was it the “spur of the moment” kind of thing? I mean, this would be a huge step in our relationship. Those two words hold immense power. Especially for mere teenagers.

    For the rest of the day, I tried to shake the worry deep inside my mind and just focus on my classes. But I couldn’t escape a prison of my own thoughts and ponderings. Not even when history class came around. Something else was behind those two words. It had to have been. I mean, everything still happens for a reason, right??

    My mind rattled with question upon question as hour after hour passed in the school day. When it was all halfway through, I thought I had solved the mystery. But it all came to a crashing halt when I saw Keisha standing over Noah at lunch, giggling and batting her eyelashes flirtatiously. I didn’t know what to think at this point, but I was not going to panic. Not just yet. I tried to screen out the voice of reason among the noise so loud and profound in my head.

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