PART ONE Pages 28-34

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At the beginning of this week, I thought I would get a break from the drama, but as usual, things didn't work out in my favor. It is startling to think about what lies ahead. Who knows whether the days to come hold so much more heartache than I've dealt with in the former part of this year? Like God's Word says in John 14:1, I shouldn't let my heart be troubled. Also, according to Philippians 4:8, my favourite scripture, I should keep my mind on positive things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report. My faith is in Christ alone. I just hope I can keep my head up long enough to help out Katara.

My mind moves back to earlier today, when I had seen Noah with another girl at school. She was very upset with him, and he looked a bit sheepish while annoyed at the same time. I had not expected to see him in such a situation, so I made sure he couldn't notice me eavesdropping.
There was no way it made sense, and until I figured it out, I didn't want to risk my friendship with him being damaged. I listened keenly as I heard the girl say,

"You aren't taking anybody to the Winter Formal, are you?"

"Does it matter? We're no longer a couple, and it's been that way for half a year. Can't you see I've moved on?"

"Well. . . I haven't." she stepped into a closer vicinity of him, and put her hands on his shoulders, as if she was getting ready to kiss him or something.

"Listen, Keisha. . . I think you need to find a way to cope with the truth. That means we can't be anything more than just friends. I have feelings for someone else. Even if you don't think you can, you have to muster up the strength to move on, like I have. . ." he told her in honesty.

"But I thought you were my defender, Noah-boo. . . I'm sure that other girl doesn't need you as much as I do." she said with a pitiful facial expression.

"How many times do I have to tell you for you to understand? I don't like holding onto the baggage of the past! It's not healthy for me, and my wellness comes first, Keisha! Also, if you must know, 'that other girl''s name is 'Marisa', and I'm very much in love with her. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to get going in order to catch economics class at 10H; I can't miss it." he said, and stepped away.

However, this girl, 'Keisha', was very persistent. She blocked his path in a desperate attempt to prevent him from leaving. She then put his hands on her tiny waist, looked up into his eyes, and said,

"I have a feeling you'll change your mind soon enough". Her eyes fluttered shut, and she leaned towards him in reckless abandon, obviously aiming for a passionate kiss.

I didn't care to view her next move. I just couldn't endure anymore, so I tip-toed the first steps, then hurried down the hall to my next class, science, the rest of the way. I bumped into someone, and saw that it was Sonia. I observed that her down slanted eyes were bloodshot and ruined mascara was running down her round, perky cheeks. I immediately forget about my own troubles, now solely focused on why Sonia seemed to be in such a distressed state.

It was possible that she had failed another test or such, since I knew today there was a huge history exam for 10F, which is my class. Students had been separated into smaller groups, in order for better focus level and attention span. That's how important it is. I was in the group to take the same exam tomorrow. Either way, I don't know what's going on, so I plan to find out.

"Hey, Sonia, are you okay? What's happening?" I asked her softly.

"It's just. . . I don't want to talk about it, Marisa." she said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

She started walking away, but I wasn't giving in that easily.

"You sure? You don't have to if you're not comfortable, but you can tell me." I assured her in a gentle voice.

"I'm NOT comfortable. . . But I can't hold it in anymore. . ."she whimpered.

"It's okay, Sonia. I'm here for you if you need to talk. . . always." I don't really know why I made this promise, but I want to help her out and be a lighthouse shining from the sea.

"Thanks so much, Marisa." she says with what I think are happy tears in her eyes.

"Of course, anytime." I reply with a genuine smile.

"So, I just finished today's major history test, and. . . and I think I got a really bad score, " she continues, with sad eyes.

"I'm sure you did your very best, which is what actually counts. Plus, if you want, we can study together on the weekends, or something like that" I tell her.

"Really? You would do that, and you're sure it won't be a bother?" She responds shyly.

"Why would it be? You need my help, so that is what I'm offering" I guarantee her.

"O-okay then. . . Thanks again. But aren't you late for a class, maybe?"she said gratefully.

It takes me a second to realize that she's right; I am indeed late for science. I couldn't afford to place myself where any more problems were. On Tuesday, Principal Matthens called me in for a meeting, and threatened to phone my "parents". He doesn't know I live in a single parent family. Yet, at least. I frantically dash down the hall in hopes of catching the last five minutes of the class, since the teacher, Mr. Samuels, was a merciful person if you made an integral effort.

Well, excluding that, today has been a decent one, and I plan to meet Sonia this Saturday at Littel's Pizza Shoppe, to study and such. At least I know that Keisha is only an ex of Noah's, but it's still disturbing to remember what I witnessed earlier. She seems part diva, part insecure, and part seemingly innocent girl type. I already don't like her, and not because she's Noah's ex. Just her personality in itself is revolting enough. However, I do not wish for more enemies, so I plan to steer clear of her as much as I can.

What I want to keep my mind on, now, though, is the Winter Formal. Since Katara and I are still at odds over that scoundrel Carden, there's just no way I can get her aid in what I should wear, and things like that. I would ask Sonia, but I feel it is way too early in our newfound friendship to do things like shopping at the local plaza together. It might end up being awkward, which wouldn't make our relationship improve and positively develop. I figured I could ask my mom, but she has been so busy lately that I'm worried she'll say no, and I have no backups after her.

You know what? I've decided that I'll see how this Saturday's study session goes, then determine if Sonia is still an eligible candidate to accompany me to New Heights Plaza. Once in a while, she comes out of her shell, and is very friendly. She and I have a great amount in common. Let's just hope things work out, 'cause I don't want to show up at the Winter Formal, only to find a hint of disappointment on Noah's handsome face; even though he isn't a shallow person.

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