PART ONE Pages 3-5

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That did not just happen!! I mean that in a good way. Kind of. Earlier today, Noah asked me to be his date to the upcoming Winter Formal for sophomores, since this year Principal Matthens has decided to focus on us more than usual. Anyway, I’m still in shock of what just occurred. Maybe it’s because I’ve been practically aloof and antisocial for such a long time, or because I have never really been interested in boys as anything more than friends. But, all I can say is; WHAT THE HECK DO I DO NOW??!!!

    The first thing I thought of was calling Katara. So that’s what I did, and the phone is still ringing. I am really starting to regret my choice to step out on a ledge above a brutal pit of snakes.

“Hello?” came a voice from the other end.

“Hey Kat Kar. It’s me, Marisa. I need your help… er… opinion on something” I barely managed to whisper.

“Meow Mare? Sure, of course, anything. Anything at all!”she chirped reassuringly.

“Anything? Are you sure?”I hesitated.

“Yeah! You know I got your back, Meow Mare!” There she goes again with that ridiculously embarrassing nickname! Got to love her consistent enthusiasm though, I thought to myself.

“Um. . .” I hesitated still.

Okay, here goes.

“So, Noah asked me to the Winter Formal for sophomores, and I honestly have no clue what to do now”, I admitted.

“O. . . M. . . G!! Why didn’t you tell me sooner? Wait, did you say yes? You had to have said yes! You guys would make the most adorably cute couple!! Wait.. what are you even gonna wear? Never too early to plan when it comes to a boy! EEEEEEE!!”, she gushed in what sounded like one really long sentence. How she always does that, is a mystery mankind has yet to solve.

“Well, it just happened like two hours ago, and I still had classes left, so.” I was finally able to say. She was so obviously excited and happy for me.  She really is a true friend.

It got a little quiet, then Katara broke the uncertain silence.

“Hey, Meow Mare?”


“Would you like to meet me at Littel’s Pizza Shoppe tomorrow at 3:15? You know, to talk about it  properly? In depth?”she asked me.

“Um. . . sure. Why not? See you later. I have to go now” I replied.

“Great! I got to go too, so catch you later, alligator!” she happily said.

I hung up and smiled to myself. If my life kept going like this, I would have to blame my two new companions for ruining my reputation. Oh, well. Who needs some tough girl title, anyway?

Truth In TrustTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon