"Eeewwwww you licked me!" He exclaims and wipes his face.

"Yup! You told me to use it, so I did." I smirk and go back to preparing the salad.

Mark laughs a bit before he returns to helping me out, and in no time we had a nice yummy salad to eat for lunch. It was a big salad so it would actually be filling, or so that was my initial plan. I grab us some water before joining Mark on the couch to watch some TV and eat.


A day or so later I was seeing Mark off at the airport, he stole one last sweet but long kiss before he had to go through security.

"I love you, don't do anything I wouldn't do." He says softly when the kiss broke.

"Love you too, and don't worry I'll behave." I gave a little wink.

After a few long moments he reluctantly pulls away to head off through security and to his plane. I simply watched till I couldn't see him anymore before I headed off to my car, feeling a little lonely already. I shook it off though, knowing he'd be back in no time.

I head home, not needing to be anywhere really, I figured I'd get a bit of the console gaming videos done since I was alone and Mark wasn't around. Getting a few done, I call it quits and decide to just edit and get them ready to upload. Just as I got the last one uploaded and queued up the power cuts out completely.

The sudden plunge into darkness scares the crap out of me and I quickly feel around for my phone to use it for lightly. That's when I realized I had left it upstairs or so I thought, carefully I bump into everything in my path as I make my way to the main door of the room. That's when little emergency lights decided to flick on, I hadn't noticed them before, but they put out just enough light. As my eyes adjusted I slowly open the door and peer up the stairs, I had closed the door to the stairs thankfully. I head up quietly, there hadn't been any storms in the forecast so the power going out was odd. As I approached the door, I could hear voices.

"Are you sure no one is home?" A hushed female voice spoke. My eyes widen some.

"Yeah, pretty sure." A male voice replies, they both sounded a bit young. "Now shut up and find some dirt on this bitch, she's gotta have some of that money stashed somewhere around here."

That's when I realized they weren't crazed fans, but people after my money. It was only a matter of time before someone tried something like this. Even with all the safety precautions, they still got in. I make sure the secret door was bolted shut from my side of course before I quietly listened more. I could hear them going through things and they were no longer quiet about it. They wouldn't find anything, I didn't keep money in the house at all, I knew it was a risk to.

Silently I wish I had my phone to call the cops. Out of the corner of my eye something lights up, I quickly turn my head to see it was my phone. It must have fallen out of my pocket when heading down stairs. Quickly I grab it before it could make any noise that would give me away, in the process I trip and stumble down the stairs, a loud crack coming from my left arm as I landed on it. Despite the sudden rush of pain I hold my breath hoping they didn't hear the noise I made.

Not hearing them stop their rummaging I breathe a sigh of relief and manage to get into the recording area, closing and locking the door behind me. With my phone in hand I quickly dial 9-11.

Operator: 911. What is your emergency?

"Two people have broken into my house. They cut the power."

Operator: Two people are your house? They cut your power?

"Yes, yes, please send help... They are trashing the place. " I was starting to panic a bit.

Operator: Are you hiding, are you safe?

"Yes....i'm hurt though.. I fell down the stairs to the basement."

Operator: Just stay on the line with me, help is on the way. Can you tell me your address?

I give my address and attempt to shift, only to wince in pain.

Operator: You're in the basement?

"Yes..it has a hidden door though..it's locked."

Operator: It's hidden? They won't find you?

"No.. they can't.. they are looking for money..." I half whisper even though I knew they couldn't hear me at all. The whole experience had me shaken.

Operator: Help is almost there, stay on the line with me.

"Can you...tell me when they are? I won't be able to hear from here."

Operator: Yes Ma'am I can. Do you possibly know the suspects?

"No. Not at all, I just moved here a few months ago. I don't know many people... they..they are just after money..."

Operator: Ma'am, can you tell me your name please?

"(f/n) (l/n)... please..hurry I think my phone is going to die..I don't want to be alone."

Operator: The police are almost there, (y/n). Just hang in there. Where are you hurt?

"My arm...I think it's broke... my head hurts a bit too." I was oddly feeling a bit light headed but couldn't figure out why.

Operator: Are you bleeding anywhere?

"I don't know, other arm hurts too much to move..."

Operator: Just stay with me, they are just around the corner. Can you unlock the door?

"I-I can try." I say and move to unlock and open the door I was leaning against. I then slowly manage to crawl up the stairs, soft grunts of pain escaping me. By the time I was at the top I was out of breathe and really dizzy. "I..made it.. to the door." I manage and I unlock it. I could hear them rummaging even louder now, pretty much destroying the place it sounded like.

Operator: They are there, they have the house surrounded.

At that moment I could hear the police outside, my head was fuzzy and I managed to unlock the door as quietly as possible. The rummaging stops as the police tell them to come out.

"I...hear them. The police." Right about then my phone dies and I lean against the wall. Time felt like it had stopped, I heard the cops close by, I could barely make out what they said. After what felt like forever I push open the door, surprising a cop it seemed as he drew his weapon. Dropping my phone, I stumble forward, collapsing.

Voices were muffled, my vision had gone blurry, someone asked my name and I tried to reply but the light was fading.

I completely blacked out.

Unexpected Love (Markiplier X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now