Chapter 111: Baby Ajax

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Enids POV:

"Oh my god y'all it's snowing." Yoko says, rushing over to the living room window. Me and Kent quickly catch up and join her while Wednesday, Bianca, Ajax, and Divina stay seated around the room. Bianca and Divina chilling on the couch with a blanket watching TV, Wednesday in the arm chair reading a book, and Ajax sitting on the floor up against the couch also watching TV.

"Wait it actually looks really pretty out there." Bianca says looking from the couch. The view is very pretty. The way the condos are set up is basically the buildings are surrounding this massive open grass space. The only thing separating the condos and the field is a parking lot that loops around, except for entrance to the area that connect the parking lot to the main road. But the only thing I'm focusing on is the open field being covered with snow by the second.

"Oh my god guys. Let's all go outside and have fun in the snow!" Yoko says pepping up. The word 'fight' grabs Wednesdays attention and she looks up from her book.

"What are you five?." Ajax says from the floor, not bothering to look up at Yoko. She looks at me with a dramatic offended look on her face and turns back to Ajax.

"No I'm just fun. Where is all of this hostility coming from?" Yoko asks with a bit of an attitude. Ajax scoffs.

"Wouldn't you like to know." He says to her. Yoko puts her hand over her heart and gasps in sarcasm.

"Yes baby Ajax, I would love to know why you can't grow up a bit and get over something minor that happened hours ago." Yoko responds.

"What did you just call me?" Ajax says, slowly getting up from the ground.

"Baby Ajax. And I'll continue to call you that until you become more mature." Yoko says stepping towards him. I quickly rush in between them and push them apart.

"Okay you both need to relax." I say trying to calm them down.

"I'm sorry Enid, I can't do that when an entitled little FUCK is in the same room as me." Yoko snarks.

"If I could punch you I would." Ajax says back.

"Do it then, I'll kill you after." Yoko responds. Ajax rolls his eyes and sits back down on the ground. Everybody in the room stares at the both of them in disbelief. Who would have thought Yoko and Ajax would be the two people that argued on this trip?

"Okay whatever is going on with you both needs to end. This vacation has just started and we have a lot more time here as a group, and I would rather you both not have this kind of energy this whole time." Divina says turning around from the window.

"I second that." Bianca adds on.

"Third." I say.

"Fourth it" Kent responds.

"Agreed." Wednesday adds, not looking up from her book. We all collectively look at each other approving that we'll find a way to figure out the dispute. The room stays silent for a minute before someone comes up with an idea.

"Snowball fight."

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