Chapter 97: Operation Make WA Laugh

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Enids POV:

I walk over to the lunch table with Wednesday in the quad. We join Bianca, Yoko, Divina, Eugene, Ajax and Kent already eating. Wednesday sits to my left as I sit next to Yoko on my right.

"These classes are literally going to be the death of me." Kent says, taking a massive bite of his sandwich. Everybody nods and "mhms" in agreement.

"For me it's not even the classes, it's just the tests. And I'm a shit test taker." Yoko adds on.

"Well of course your a shit test taker, you can't pass a test if you don't study." Bianca says to her smirking. Yoko rolls her eyes.

"I study." She says defensively. Everybody looks around the table knowingly.

"When do you study?" Ajax's asks before folding his pizza in half and taking a bite.

"Yeah does the studying happen during the whole school day you spend gossiping with your friends, or does it happen after you get tired of gossiping and go to sleep till the next morning?" Divina says, tossing a cheez-it at her girlfriend from across the table. A moment of laughter passes by before Yoko responds.

"Can y'all chill out, I'm passing my classes and that's what matters." She says.

"How are you passing your classes, you just said you are a bad test taker?" I ask her. I take a look down at the school pizza in hand. It's much better than public school food to say the least, so I take a bite.

"I have my ways." Yoko adds.

"Care to share?" Kent asks.

"Nope, if to many people start doing it I'm going to get caught." Yoko says, looking up at him.

"Hater." He says to her.

"I'm a total hater." Yoko admits. Everybody at the table starts to laugh.

Well...mostly everybody.

I've never heard Wednesday laugh. I am always so happy that I am able to make her smile, the thought of her laughing has never crossed my mind. I clearly wasn't the only one who noticed because Bianca immediately looked at her and asked about it.

"Addams, tell me something." Bianca says, still slightly laughing from Yokos comment.

"Possibly." Wednesday responds, focusing her attention on Bianca.

"Have you ever laughed before?" Bianca asks, not in a judging way but in a generally curious one. Everyone watches as the conversation unfolds. Wednesday takes no time to respond.


"Well, why not?" Eugene asks, wiping the remaining bread from his sandwich off his face.

"I'm not built that way. I don't find jokes or societal humor typically funny, it's not that the jokes aren't funny, it's just that I don't feel the need or have the ability to laugh at them." Wednesday says in her average monotone voice.

"So you just don't laugh?" Ajax asks, taking in the last bite of his pizza. Wednesday shakes her head no.

"Do you giggle?" Divina asks. Wednesday nods her head no once again.

"Are you ticklish?" Eugene asks her. Wednesday doesn't nod her head no, but she also doesn't say anything. I immediately perk up and smile at her.

"Wait Wednesday are you actually ticklish?!" I say louder than I should have. She looks over to be warningly.

"I don't know." She responds normally. Me and everyone else looks at her confused.

"What do you mean I don't know if I'm ticklish?" Bianca asks her, this time in a more judging tone.

"I mean, I have never let someone come close enough to me before Enid for me to find out." She says looking over to me. I look around the table while everybody is giving me a 'tickle her right now look'. I look back at Wednesday with a devilish grin.


"No." She says cutting me off.


"Absolutely not."


"I'm leaving." She says, grabbing her bag and standing up. She looks around the table to see everybody staring at her. "If any one of you comes within a four foot radius of me with the intension of making me 'laugh' I will personally kill you, slowly and publicly." She says before walking away.

Everybody looks at me.

"Enid-" Yoko starts.

"I've got this under control. Operation make WA laugh is a go." I say before getting up, chasing after my girlfriend.

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