Chapter 77: Control

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This takes place two days after Wednesday killed Xavier btw.

Enids POV:

I open my eyes after a long nights sleep. Knew it, still in this damn hospital bed. It's been two days since the night where shit went down and I have not been feeling better to be honest. Now I know you are probably like "but Enid it's over" yeah no shit it's over but it still happened. I love Wednesday but watching someone's head get pounded into from the back has an effect on someone.

After Wednesday saved my life she carried me to the nurses office. And at Nevermore it's not just a normal nurses office, it's like a hospital in one room. Kinda like in Harry Potter. Anyways, since it was night when she brought me in I went straight to bed even thought I was told it wouldn't be the best for my injuries.

When I woke up I found out that I had broken my left leg, had a concussion, and bruised a rib. Luckily for me, Wednesdays grandmother was able to help with the more minor injuries like the concussion and the rib thing. But sadly I still have a broken leg.

I sit myself up straight and look around the room, noticing that Wednesday is not in her usual spot. For the past couple days she has been sitting in a rocking chair next to my bed.

I lay back down and cover my face with my hands, sighing into them. The only good think about this whole incident is that me and Wednesday both got three days off of school. Today is the last day and I'm supposed to be discharged from the medical ward this morning.

"Hello Enid." A familiar voice says to me. I quickly sit up and take my hands off my face.

"You know, you don't have to be so formal with me." I say back to her as she takes a seat in her rocking chair.

"I don't have to do anything, I want too." Wednesday says adding extra emphasis on the word have. I roll my eyes and scoot myself further up the bed.

"You wanna know something that really blows my mind?" I say looking at her.

"What's that?"

"The fact that you have now killed three people, including the two kids at your old school, and you still aren't in jail yet." I say giggling a little. Wednesday smirks at me.

"It's simple, when you are rich and know people you get away with things. Plus, it's not like Xavier's death wasn't warranted." She says getting up from her chair and sitting at the end of the hospital bed.

"You know the court would have ruled it as self defense if I was the one that had killed him." I say moving a little closer to Wednesday.

"Enid, you were unconscious, dying, and chained up. Even I couldn't have killed him under those circumstances." She says. I nod my head. Our faces are now about a foot away from each other .

"Do you wanna know what I find extremely hot?" I say to her, staring into her eyes.

"What's that?" Wednesday says moving a bit closer to my face. I grab her shoulder and pull her face next to mine, so my mouth is right next to her ear.

"That you are willing to kill for me." I whisper. I move my face back in front of hers without taking my hand off of her shoulder. I watch as her eyes go back from my lips to my eyes.

"And I would do it over again, as many times as you like." She whispers back at me. I start to move into kiss her when we hear someone walk into the room. We quickly move apart and Wednesday goes back to sitting in her rocking chair.

The only people that know me and Wednesday are dating is both of our parents, and our friend group. And there is that girl Taylor who might know that I am gay but still. Me and Wednesday don't want the whole school to know.

Cause if the whole school finds out the guys will start coming up to us saying that they can "change us" and the girls will start thinking that we are either " too into them" to hang out with them or "too gay" for them to talk to us.

Of course not the whole school is like that, the majority of the school is supportive. But when people found out that Yoko and Divina where dating they would always get these things told to them.


I wonder how the school found out they were dating anyways..

That's something I have to say Yoko later.

Me and Wednesday watch as the familiar girl walks up to the End of the bed. She's tall, about in her late 20s with long blonde hair. She's my nurse, Lidia.

"Enid I have good news for you today!" Lidia says with an upbeat tone. I look over at Wednesday and smile. I know that I am getting discharged, and I know it's only been two days, but it's felt like forever in this damn bed. "I am proud and sad to say, that you are getting discharged!" She says to me.

"Sad, don't be sad, I will probably be back again. I mean, I'm always in here, and even if i'm not injured i'll come in just to chat with you." I say to her. She smiles at me and hands me the discharge papers with a pen. I quickly sign them and hand them back to her.

"Okay so I just need to get the headmistress to sign these but I have no doubt in my mind that she will, so are free to go!" Lidia says before walking away. I smile and nod my head to myself. Until the realization kicks in...

I guess that Wednesday noticed my face drop because she quickly came to the side of my bed and asked what was wrong.

"Everyone is talking about us Wednesday, everyone is talking about what happened two days ago." I say visibly worried.

"You don't know that." She says trying to reassure me.

"Yea I do, Yoko told me that nobody has shut up about it since it happened. And to be honest, who can blame them, I mean. I guess it's good that they know the whole story and they don't just think you killed someone out of the blue, but I don't want people to look at me differently." I say on the verge of tears. Wednesday knows that I care about what people think of me, even if she doesn't understand why.

"Of course people are going to think about you differently, before they passed the halls and thought to themselves. Oh, that's Enid, Enid the girl that posts the daily blogs. But now, now they are going to pass the hall and think. That's Enid Sinclair, the girl that survived, the girl that fought for her life." Wednesday pauses and holds my hand in hers.

"Enid, you can't control what other people think. But do you want to know what you can control?" I nod my head no. "You can control how you respond." She says back to me. I squeeze her hand tight in mind as a smile creeps onto my face.

"I love you so much Addams." I say pulling her into a hug. Wednesday takes a moment before she hugs me back.

"I love you too Sinclair."

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