Chapter 100: Not In My Book

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BIT OF A LONGER ONE CUZ I HAVENT UPDATED IN A FEW DAYS, sorry abt the lack of chapters i've been real busy lately.

Enids POV:

Okay, so like, Wednesday didn't really tell me why Yoko punched her...but when I asked her about it on the way to the office she told me not to worry about it, and that 'it all worked out'. Whatever that means, so I'm just going to pretend like it didn't happen.

Me and Wednesday are currently sitting down in two old wooden chairs, both in front of the headmistresses desk in her office.

I take a moment to look around the room. God has it changed since Ms. Weems was in here. Its still black and dull, but the little accents of white and color are completely gone. All the white flowers are now black or dark red, all the photos are of Ms. Weems are now photos of Ms. Addams, and...


That photo is still the same...

It's one of Ms. Weems old photos of her and Mortica. Still in the same white frame that is was in before, well...also the only white thing in this room.

I look around the room a bit longer, trying to see if Mortica kept anything else in here that was here before.

Then I lay my eyes on Wednesday, sitting down on the old chair, back straight with her hands crossed over each other on her lap neatly.

"You look really pretty Wednesday." I say still staring at her. She turns to me with a grateful yet confused look on her face.

"Thank you, you look, as you normally do." She says to me.

"How do I normally look?" I say worriedly.

"Stunning as always." She says before turning her head back straight ahead, looking at whatever she was looking at before. I feel blush start to cover my cheeks as we hear a knock on the office door.

A few seconds after the knock, Mortica Addams herself walks into the room and towards her chair with her iconic black dress on. Look, I'm in love with Wednesday. Always have been, always will be...but anybody would be delusional if they said Wednesdays mother wasn't hot as hell.

"Mother could you please explain to me and Enid why we have been summoned to your office?" Wednesday says as Mortica takes a seat in her chair.

"Good morning to you too darling, Enid, pleasure to see you here today." Ms. Addams say to me while situating herself. I smile back to her. Wednesday gives her mother a 'get on with it' look and Mortica continues. "Well then, I was recently informed about an incident that happened not too long ago involving you both, and a girl named Taylor."

As soon as she finished talking I feel the room tense up.

"I'm assuming you know what happened?" Wednesday asks.

"Yes dear, I'm very aware of all the events. But that's not the issue. I am as headmistress...mandated to talk with you both about the situation, no matter how long ago it was. Especially when a student at the school is threatened in any way." She tells us. I start to get visibly worried.

Are we getting in trouble?

"And Enid, no, you both are not getting into trouble. If I had to expel a student every time they threatened another one, Nevermore wouldn't be a functioning school system." Mortica explains to me. I immediately calm down and sigh in relief. "However,"

Oh god not the however.

"there is something that I am mandated to talk with you both about." She says finishing her sentience. Me and Wednesday both look at each other at the same time. Me with a worried expression and her with a blank stare. "There is no way to say this without you both...especially my daughter getting uncomfortable," She continues.

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