Chapter 79: Prepubescent Bee Keeper

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3:13 PM
Wednesdays POV:

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Enid yells from the other end of the room. Wednesday quickly stops her typing and turns to look at her clearly in distress girlfriend.

"What." I say blankly. I look at Enid staring at her phone in disgust. She quickly looks up at me, looks back at her phone, and looks up at me again.

"HAVE YOU NOT CHECKED YOUR EMAILS?!" She says frantically. I give her a knowing look. "Who am I kidding, you are Wednesday Addams of course you don't check your email!" She says in a tone slightly higher and usual.

"Why would I waste my time on my electrical device when I can hear the news from you?" I say questioning her.

"Did you just call it a- never mind. Get your ass over here. The new headmistress, AKA YOUR MOTHER made a new mandatory class!" She says still swiping and staring at her phone. I quickly walk over to her and look over her shoulder, wondering what my mother could have possibly done to make my girlfriend this upset.

Oh no. Absolutely not...

Sex ed? Why in the world would my mother force a school like Nevermore to discuss Sexual Education.

Then is dawned on me. How many teens in the school are actually sexually active for my mother and the board to make a whole class about it?

"This is going to be the most awkward thing in the world." Enid says still staring at her phone in disbelief. I still back down on the end of her bed and listen to her as she rambles. "I mean, there can't possibly be that many people in the school that are having sex right? I mean I know the werewolves are with each other, cause of the heat period and all but everyone knows that. OH GOD-" Enid stops herself after coming to a realization.

"THIS IS GOING TO BE HORRIBLE!" She yells once again slamming her back down against her bed.

"Why is that?"

"Wednesday. Whoever is going to be teaching the class won't just be teaching sex...they will be teaching STRAIGHT SEX! And my god Wednesday I don't want to hear all the dirty remarks the boys are going to make. And on top of that, what good is learning straight sex if I am never going to need to know it!? And I can't say anything like 'what about lesbians?' CAUSE THEN THEY WILL KNOW THAT I AM A LESBIAN!" Enid says out loud. She quickly covers her mouth and looks horrified.

"Oh my god. I'm a lesbian." Enid says staring at me. I give her a 'no shit' look and she just stares back. "No no Wednesday you don't get it, I thought I was bisexual cause I was dating Ajax and now i'm dating you. But thinking about the class and thinking about male anatomy...i'm repulsed. Like I don't want to even think about dicks. Like, at all."

"I would hope not." I say getting up and walking back over to my desk. As soon as I sit down I feel a buzzing vibration in my pocket. I quickly pull out what Enid would call a phone and look at the screen. I tap the notification that just popped up on my phone and it opens to a group chat.

"Enid why did you make a club with me, you, Ajax, Eugene, Yoko, Divina, Bianca, and Kent?" I say taking my gaze off the phone and looking at her.

"It's called a group chat, not a club. And hold on I want to know something." She says sporadically typing on her phone. I feel another vibration coming from the device and I look down.

Group chat:

Enid: guys i got a question for you all

Yoko: shoot

Enid: are any of y'all sexually active?

I quickly look up at Enid after she send the text. She looks up at me with a 'give it a moment' look. I feel yet multiple more vibrations and look back down the the device.

Group chat:

Yoko: always

Divina: why tf are you asking sinclair?

Enid: just answer the question

Eugene: probably has to do with the new class

Kent: what new class?

Bianca: sex ed

Kent: you have got to be shitting me

Ajax: brb gonna go shoot myself

Enid: can people just answer the question?

Yoko: already did.

Bianca: well we done known ur answer already

Ajax: emotional damage

Kent: fr

Eugene: to answer ur question enid no i am not sexually active

Divina: i would hope not you are like 12

Eugene: you look 12



Divina: yes enid i am

Bianca: i used to be

Yoko: wdym used to be??

Bianca: tf do you think it means ms. i've fucked every lesbian in the school

Enid: not every lesbian


Kent: i mean is wednesday really a lesbian or just down bad for enid

Enid: she's in the chat kent

Kent: oop

Kent: anyways enid i am sexually active but not in the way that you think i am

Divina: the hell does that mean

Kent: figure it out

Bianca: is this some sort of weird way of coming out to us kent?

Kent: that's for me to know and u to find out

Ajax: istg if you are gay and u didn't tell me

Kent: dw bby we will talk about it later

Divina: THE HELL

Ajax: guys i am not gay i don't know what he is talking about

Kent: no need to hide who u r sweetcheeks


Kent: denial is a river in egypt

Eugene: ajax i believe you

Ajax: nice to know i have the support of a prepubescent bee keeper

Eugene: thanks?

Enid: so most of u are sexually active?

Yoko: yea

Divina: yes

Enid: okay

I hear a sigh from the end of the room and I turn off my phone and put it back into my pocket. I look over at Enid who is laying back and staring up at the ceiling. I slowly walk over to her and once again sit down on the edge of her bed. She props herself up on her shoulders and stares at me worriedly.

"Wednesday?" She asks me.

"Yes cara mia?" I say softly back to her.

"How do you think the sex ed class is going to be?" I take a moment and wonder to myself how I think the experience is going to go.

"Well, I think that it will definitely be awkward. I know that the boys are going to be immature as always. And I can almost guarantee that me and you are not going to like it." I say reaching out my hand, then taking hers in mine. "Especially since the thought of straight intercourse makes us both want to swallow eels."

Enid giggles at my remark. She lets go of my hand and sits up next to me so our faces are only a foot apart. She gently runs her hand along my neck and moves it up to the side of my face, pulling me in for a kiss.

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