Chapter 90: Learn The Hard Way

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(This might be the only POV that's not Wednesday or Enid that has its own chapter. Just writing this cuz i thought it would be a good filler)

Yokos POV:

Dinner was really good. I'm glad that everybody liked it. To be honest I thought Wednesday was going to be a bigger pain in my ass but, i'm not complaining. All four of us are currently walking back up to our dorms.

"What are you guys doing tomorrow?" Enid asks me and Divina. I look over to Divina and she simply shrugs her shoulders.

"Not sure. Why, what are you and my chemical romance over there gonna do tomorrow?" I say motioning to Wednesday. She looks over to me confused.

"I don't make music Tanaka." Wednesday says coldly.

"I know that, I was referring to your- never mind." I say giving up.

"I don't think we have any plans. Wait we should TOTALLY hang out tomorrow! We can invite Bianca too it can be a little girls day! WAIT that would be so fun." Enid says quickly getting more exited. We finally reach our dorms and stop in the hallway.

"Sounds like a plan." Divina says smiling. I nod my head in agreement. Enid jumps around a little in her place before turning around to walk into their dorm with Wednesday.

I focus my eyes on Divina as their dorm door shuts behind them.

"You have fun tonight?" I ask her kindly. She smiles at me.

"Of course I had fun tonight. I have to say Wednesday is pretty cool and all but I feel like she is fully of empty threats unless it comes to Enid to be honest." Divina says to me laughing.

"I 100% agree. I mean come on, she told me to sleep with one eye open over a MILF joke."

"Well in her defense you called her actual mother a MILF. I think any normal person would be upset about that." She says making a point.

"Fair. I really do like Wednesday though. I have to admit when they started dating I was skeptical. I mean, Enid has been my best friend forever and I didn't want her to get hurt. Not emotionally, Wednesday wouldn't hurt Enid like that, or at least not on purpose, but i'm talking about physically. Even Addams herself can admit that she lives on the more dangerous side."

"Would Wednesday ever put Enid or anything Enid loves at risk?" Divina says to me, less like a question and more like a reality check.

"Also Fair." I say while opening our dorm door. We share a quick laugh for a second before we actually see our dorm floor.

I immediately stop in the doorway and cover my nose. I open the door all the way to reveal our whole dorm floor covered in cloves of garlic. I turn around a look at Divina.

"I'm going to fucking kill her." I say before pacing across the hall and rapidly knocking on Enid and Wednesday door. Nobody answers so I decide to just walk in. I enter the dorm to see Wednesday sitting at her desk typing. A few seconds later Enid walks out the bathroom with nothing on but a towel around her.

"Oh god it's just you I thought something happened because of how hard the door was being knocked on." Enid says with a relieved tone in her voice.

"Something did happen ENID your GIRLFRIEND just tried to kill me!" I say kind of loudly. Wednesday quickly turns around in her chair with an offended look on her face.

"One, I did not try to kill you and two, I gave you a warning did I not?" Wednesday says standing up.

"WHAT WARNING?" I say super confused.

"I said sleep with one eye open." She says very calmly.

"I WASNT EVEN ASLEEP YET!" I yell in pure disbelief and shock. "HOW DID YOU EVEN GET ALL OF THAT SHIT IN THERE? I have been with you for the past three hours!" I say trying to calm down, taking a seat on Enids bed.

"I have my ways." Wednesday says walking to the center of the room.

"Wait what shit? What are we talking about?" Enid asks all confused.

"Addams put like, one hundred cloves of garlic all over the floor of my and Divinas dorm." I say laying my back down on the bed. I run my hands over my face contemplating how I got here.

"Oh shit-" Enid starts.

"You know what Wednesday. I'm sorry for making that MILF joke about your mother. I really should have, you know, known who I was talking to when I said it." I say just wanting to get this over with and go to bed. Wednesday nods her head.

"I forgive you. And I'm deeply sorry..." Wednesday says. I take a deep breath and start to walk out of the room with Divina.
"...sorry that you had to learn the hard way."


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