Chapter 92: Next Best Thing

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Enids POV:

I spent FOREVER trying to make our dorm clean. And when I say our dorm I really just mean my half of the dorm, Wednesday has always been a clean person. Right as I finish making my bed I hear a knock on the door.

"Oooo, Wednesday who do you think it is?" I say walking over to the door exited.

"I'm surprised you don't know who it is Enid. I can practically smell her ego from across the room." Wednesday says getting up from her desk, pushing her chair in nearly. I open the door to reveal Bianca.

"Heyy Sinclair, Addams." She says greeting me and Wednesday. I pull Bianca in for a hug as Wednesday gently nods her head. "So, when are Yoko and Divina getting here?" She asks with a smile on her face.

"Well considering you're right on time probably not for another hour." I say jokingly. Right as a finish my sentence Yoko appears in the doorframe.

"You talking shit about me Enid?" Yoko says seriously.

"Oh always." I respond to her sarcastically. We smile at each other as I pull her into a hug. "Where's Divina?" I ask realising Yoko is missing her girlfriend.

"She got called down to retake a test. Soo, I brought the next best thing." Yoko says walking into the hallway. Me, Bianca and Wednesday all look at each other confused. A moment later Yoko walks back into the dorm room with Kent right behind her.

"I must have misunderstood when you said next best thing-" Wednesday starts.

"I know this was supposed to be like a girls night and all, but Kent is like the least man like man I know." Yoko says reassuringly. Kent looks at her slowly with a confused expression on her face.

"What-" He starts.

"Plus, Kent is like my brother. And Enid knows that I would never willingly bring one of my family members to a group setting unless I trusted them." She says.

"If Kent is your brother that means you are technically dating your sister." Wednesday points out.

"That's just a technicality." Yoko explains. Kent gives her a weird look.

"Incest is not a technicality-" Wednesday starts.

" about we play a game," I say trying to switch the topic of conversation. I quickly walk over to my closet and pull out a game. "Twister anybody?"

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