Chapter 88: Uncle Mills pt1

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Enids POV:

It's your classic american restaurant. Wood floors, vintage red booths, wooden tables, old bar, and over ten televisions throughout the building. It's one of those "seat yourself" places so we all grabbed a menu from the front desk and found ourselves a booth.

"Yoko, tell me why you decided to have us sit in the very back of the restaurant with the least amount of lighting available?" I say scooting into the right side of the booth behind Wednesday.

"In my opinion the lighting is soothing. As for the location I like to think that if a bomb went off in the middle of the street outside we would most likely be the last to die." Wednesday says folding her jacket up neatly and putting it next to her.

"See, Addams gets it." Yoko says letting Divina scoot into the booth first. Wednesday didn't bother to let me go first because she knows I prefer being in the outside of a booth. Mainly because I hate the awkward interaction when you have to ask the person next to you to get up when you need to use the bathroom.

We all take a moment to settle in a look at the menu. Yoko mentioned that Uncle Mills had comfort food but failed to mention that they had literally everything.

A few minutes go by and a waitress comes up to our table. She's pretty to say the least. Has sort of a young Jennifer Aniston look to her.

"Would you girls like anything to drink?" She says in a perky tone.

"Yeah can I please have a lemonade?" I say looking at the drink menu and looking back up at her. "Wait- do you guys have pink lemonade here?"

"Yes, would you like that instead?"

"Yes please." I say in return. Not many restaurants I have been to have had pink lemonade, but I always ask just in case. The waitress looks beyond me and to Wednesday.

"May I have just a water please?" She asks her. The waitress nods her head as she writes the order down on the notepad in her hands. She then looks to Yoko.

"Yeah uhh, can I please have a shirley temple, If you have them?" Yoko says eyeing down the waitress.

Oh lord, not this again.

"Would you like a cherry with that?"

"Only if you want to add a cherry to it." Yoko says leaning into the table a little bit more. I know Yoko, I know her well enough to know that she winked after she said that, even if she had her shades on. I turn to the waitress to see her face get a little red. She finished writing down the order and walks away. Yoko watches her as she makes her way to the bar. "I'd tap that."

"You're no better than a man are you?" I say giggling to myself.

"Enid, I am though." Yolk says leaning back in the booth again.

"How exactly?" Wednesday asks joining the conversation.

"Cause I'm a woman." Yoko says with a faint smirk on her face. "Plus a man would act on it, I simply enjoy making straight girls blush."

"Babe how do you know she's straight?" Divina asks slightly laughing.

"Oh quit the bullshit, girl is literally Rachel Green." Yoko says slightly motioning to the waitress walking at us from the other end of the restaurant. "She's kissed a few women simply because she could, but she would never fuck one unless she was getting paid to- Thank you sweetheart for the drinks." Yoko says, quickly switching up her sentence when the waitress get close enough to our booth.

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