Chapter 39: Best Thing

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The next day
Wednesdays POV:

It had been a super long night with absolutely no sleep but we made it through. Enid still hasn't opened up her eyes yet from her surgery but the doctors say she is going to be okay. That's good. If she had died on me I would have been super mad at her.

Me and Thing aren't going to leave her side until she wakes up. And even after that she is going to be with me so I can always keep her safe. I don't blame the guy who did this to her. Don't get me wrong I'm mad as shit but Enid would tell me "it was just a mistake" or "he didn't mean too" so I didn't want to make the guy feel bad.

Turns out his name was Jackson Connors. He also stayed the night at the hospital with me and her. He told me that he was just trying to let off some stream when he accidentally shot her.

I look down at Enid from the chair next to her hospital bed. I reach towards her hand and hold it tightly in mine.

"I love you so much and I am so proud of you for making it through this." I say to her. Even though she might not be able to hear me, I need to say it. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. And I mean that literally. Take your time with healing Enid. Nobody is here to rush you."

I start to take my hand away when I feel a slight squeeze. I look up at Enids face and see her eyes open and looking at me. I watch as a teardrop falls from her eyes as she smiles.

"You are the best thing that's ever happened to me too Wednesday Addams."

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