Chapter 106: Bad At Sex

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Enids POV:

It took a long time but we got the car. It's some sort of van type thing that has like eight seats in it. Bianca is the one driving because she didn't trust anyone else. She said Divina, Kent, and I couldn't drive because we would get to distracted. She mentioned how Yoko doesn't have her license because she failed her test five times. Ajax said he didn't want to drive because he was to nervous to drive with so many people. And nobody but me wanted Wednesday to drive...for obvious reasons.

So Bianca is in the drivers seat. Wednesday is in the passenger seat because she wanted to make sure Bianca didn't get us lost (not sure if Wednesday knows google maps is a thing). Kent, Ajax and Divina are in the second row playing the music. And me and Yoko are in the back just chatting.

Well, more like she is chatting and I am just contemplating.

Contemplating what exactly?

Contemplating if Wednesday actually enjoys when we have sex. Or let me rephrase that...if she enjoys me being the dominant one. I think all of us can agree that she likes being the one in charge.

I don't even know why I am thinking about this to be honest. I guess it took so long to get the car that I was left to my thoughts for a while and now I'm stressing about something I might not even have to worry about.

"Yo, Sinclair. You with me?" Yoko says, waving her hand in my face. I snap out of my stare and direct my attention towards her.

"Yep, all here." I lazily respond. Yoko give me a 'quit the bullshit and tell me' look. I sigh to myself before I start talking. "Well, it's just I don't think I'm like...good at like..." I pause, trying to figure out how to word my thoughts.

"Cmon just say it." Yoko says impatiently.

"I don't know if Wednesday enjoys like, when she's the bottom. I know she's only been the bottom once, but I don't know how she reacted cause my head was under a damn blanket. And I don't even know why I started thinking this because she has never given me a reason to think that she didn't like it. But now I'm thinking that she's never given me a reason to think that she DID like it either. And maybe I'm just overthinking and she did enjoy the night on the couch, but how am I supposed to know? I just feel like I could be doing better when it comes to that part of our relationship." I quickly ramble to her. Yoko looks to me for a few seconds before responding.

"Okay, that was a shit ton. Trying to figure out where to start." She responds. "Alright well, let's start with her reactions hm? Did she make any noise that night?"

"Well, I can't really remember. I know I told her she had to be quiet, but I forget if a noise she made prompted me saying that or if I just said it before I did anything."

"That didn't help me at all." Yoko says under her breath.

"Sorry that I don't remember something that I told my girlfriend literal months ago." I say sarcastically. Yoko rolls her eyes and continues.

"Okay, let's say you are bad at sex," Yoko start, I cut her quickly.

"Bad at sex!?" I say in a loud whisper so nobody else in the car will hear me. Not that they could if they wanted too, the music is so loud.

"This whole conversation Enid started with you being worried about not pleasing your girlfriend sexually. Explain how this isn't a 'bad at sex' situation." Yoko responds.

"Fine, continue." I say to her, pretending like the idea of me being bad at sex doesn't make me slightly upset.

"Let's say you are ba- not the best at sex," Yoko says, trying to spare my feelings. "it might just be the way your approach it. Could be totally unrelated to your actual sex skills." She says. I give her a confused look because I'm not too sure what she means. "It's Wednesday Enid, not sure if you know this but she's not a very vanilla person. She might like it a little rough, a little kinky." Yoko explains.

"Oh my god stop talking." I say covering my face in embarrassment.

"Motherfucker you asked, not my fault." She says, leaning back in her seat.

Could that be true? Could Wednesday be a little more exiting when it comes to sex? I mean, it's doubtful. It took a while for her to get comfortable enough to touch me, no way she's kinky. But...Wednesday is unpredictable and full of surprises.

I take my hands off my face and regrettably continue the conversation.

"Fine, let's discuss the possibility that she know..."

"Freaky?" Yoko says.

"Yoko!" I whisper yell once again.

"You didn't have the guts to say it so I did."

"Whatever, say she is. How do I even...entertain...that?" I say trying to be careful with my words. The thought of Wednesday being a little spicy in the bedroom is well...attractive but also unlikely.

"You could tie her up." Yoko says nonchalant.

"What the hell." I say really trying to hold it together during this conversation.

"I'm being serious. You could use ropes, handcuff her to the bed or some shit. Oh! We know that she likes torture, do the same thing that she did to you and just make her cl-" Yoko says throwing ideas out as soon as she thinks of them.

"Stop stop stop talking right now." I say shaking my head. Yoko gives me a knowing look and I take a few mental steps back. "What if I try and do something like that and she doesn't enjoy it?" I ask her shyly.

"It's Wednesday Addams. Her two favorite things are you and torture. Give her both of those at the same time and I can confidently say she will enjoy it."

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