Chapter 1: Aftermath

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Wednesdays POV:

After the long ride back home and those weird texts from the unknown number I was finally here. The Addams family home, or shall I say my house. I opened up the doors with my bags next to me and walked into the mansion. Immediately Pugsley rushed towards me and hugs me tightly.

"I missed you so much Wednesday." He says into my shoulder. I pat him on the back a little bit and wait for him to move so I can walk to mother and father. He finally lets up and I walk over to the den.

Both of them immediately turn around and smile at me.

"Why are you two smiling like that?" I say with a straight face.

"Well my little ray of darkness we are exited that you are back home with us." Father says shaking my hand a little. Mother lightly coughs at him and he stops shaking my hand.

"What was that?" I say asking about the cough.

"What was what my dear?" Mother responds.

"You coughed at him, why?"

"Well, since you asked, we have some news for you." She says more serious. I stand up a bit straighter and look them both dead in the eye.

"What news?"

"Well, as much as me and your wonderful mother want you back here. We want you to experience more of a, well how would you say-"

"A life, we want you to have a life." My mother says cutting my father off.

"What do you mean, I have a life. I am alive right now." I say in defense. I start to think about what they mean when they say "a life", I have a life.

"We are going to have you move out. Find your own place, find yourself until your next semester at Nevermore." My mother adds.

"Very well." I say still a bit annoyed that I just got back home and they are already kicking me out. "And where will I be staying?"

"Jericho my dear, in a two bedroom apartment. Already fully paid for." My father adds.

"Two person?" I ask. My parents nod in response and after a while they finally start to talk.

"That girl you were rooming with, Enid Sinclair? Well her parents and us both think that this is an amazing opportunity for the both of you." My mother adds.

At least Enid is going to be there with me...

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